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Comment Re:Message to all braindead CEOs out there (Score 1) 117

Let's take a wild guess as to why I've spent nothing on entertainment in the last eighteen months. Could it be the record profits made by the media cartels?

Could it be that it's reasonably easy to get media for free?

If it was 1985 and your options were to copy an album, cassette or VHS tape (in 'real time') would you have spent more on entertainment?

Comment Re:Facebook (Score 4, Insightful) 134

Why are any of you still using Failbook!? Do you enjoy pain?

Because it's handy to keep up with what my friends and family are doing.

Do you like being treated like children or inmates?

I don't experience this. My friends on Facebook and I engage in wide-ranging debates on subjects as diverse as Putin, gun control and trans issues, with nary a peep from the prison guards & parents that you seem to think run Facebook.

Comment Re:Trello (Score 1) 144

You do know that you're not allowed to have negative opinions anymore, right?

Of course, but you're expected to write a post explaining your contrary position, ideally backed up with a cite or your personal (anecdotal) experience with the product in question, not just mindlessly downvoting something based on the fact you played with Trello for four minutes, or that you disagree based on ideology.

OP: We use Trello for the tasks you're asking about, and it works well. I'd say the only hiccup is it's a little unclear what it means to 'archive' a card vs. deleting it or designating it as 'complete.'

Comment Re:What is the point? (Score 1) 340

Officers in a damn power trip are not entitled to look whatsoever at my emails, photos or whatever the fuck

"Entitled" doesn't enter into it - What enters into it is what the law says - And the law says they can examine your phone and computer at the border.

That's what's about to go in front of a judge in Canada.

Comment Re:What is the point? (Score 1) 340

I don't understand. They log into your phone and look at pictures of your going away party. They look at the emails with subject lines like "First Day at new Job Instructions."

Then they turn to you and say "Are you *really* here on vacation?"

"Officers search the traveller's cell phone:"

Not sure how "supersonic eye laser beams" enter into it.

Comment Re:What is the point? (Score 1) 340

the difference is that there cannot be any contraband , explosive or whatever illegal stuff stored in the phone. which is what custom agent are paid to check.

US CBP and Canadian CBSA are also enforcing immigration. It's typically these violations that they're looking for on your phone - e.g. you claim to be on vacation, but your phone is full of emails from your new employer with details on your new job or your upcoming marriage.

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