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Comment Re:Misinformation? (Score 5, Insightful) 493


Based on what science, exactly?

I'm 47. When I was a kid there was no pox vaccine - When my brother caught it he had the pox everywhere - Inside his mouth, on his tongue, genitals. He lay in a dark room crying for a week in pain, with terrible headaches, with my parents up at night with nothing they could do. Why on EARTH would you subject a kid to that, when with one jab you're protected?

That's child abuse.

Even with milder cases I have friends today who are still scarred from scratching from the terrible itching when they were kids.

Comment Misinformation? (Score 5, Insightful) 493

The reasons are similar. It's based on fear and misinformation

No, it's based on facts. It's the anti-vaxxers who operate based on misinformation.

A Vancouver father is calling on parents to vaccinate their children for chickenpox after his son nearly died from the disease while his immune system was compromised during chemotherapy.

Jason Lawson's 10-year-old son Beckett has been in and out of hospital for most of his life for cancer treatment, but Lawson says one of the scariest moments came when the boy caught chickenpox from a classmate at school.

Comment Re:I believe it because.. (Score 2) 291

I think part of the animosity comes out of frustration. As the article states, having kids generates emotional and biochemical reactions in parents - You wind up deeply loving these fun crazy little maniacs. Loving what they do and what they say. Loving watching them grow and develop personalities and understand the world.

People with kids want to convey those feelings to the childless, but it's impossible - There's no means to convey those emotions, no language to explain it, there's no means for the childless to 'get it..'

Concrete example in my case: I loved my nieces and nephew, but didn't have this emotional response until I had my own kids.

So trying to explain what it's like is like trying to describe "blue" to a blind man - So it leads to frustration that manifests as animosity.

I certainly don't express it to my childless friends, but I'm sure others do...

Comment Re:ANOTHER DEAD BODY! SWEET JUSTICE! (Score 4, Insightful) 450

You can argue about suicides until you're blue in the face, but the facts remain: In the USA, more than any other western country, more kids shoot their siblings. More kids shoot themselves. More drunks shoot either other, widowing mothers and orphaning kids. More men shoot their wives. More criminals shoot 7-11 clerks, taxicab drivers and people in movie theatres. More cops shoot teenagers because the cops think their iPod is a gun.

The USA has said this is fine and this is the society they want to live in, but to the rest of us it is batshit crazy and we want no part of it. Handguns do not belong in a civilized society. Full stop.


Homicides at the hand of armed gangstars commited against law abidding non gun owners would go up

This is a fallacy.

Hand grenades are banned in the USA - They are highly restricted. However, hand-grenade homocides are not up as a result of hand grenades being banned.

If guns are out of circulation, then many fewer people have them, including criminals.

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