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Comment They're the same devs (Score 1) 229

If the Gnome developers deciding that they need systemd, it's not systemd fault.

What if they're generally the same devs? Because the core ones are all part of the same group that works at Red Hat, hence the (overblown) conspiracy theories.

Comment Plasma 5 is hardly stable yet, don't expect it (Score 1) 229

It's not as bad as the 4.x transition, but it's definitely true that the KDE devs have been somewhat bad at communicating that it's still at the stage where things are being reimplemented, so by no means is everything there yet. Honestly though the change from 4.x to 5.x has been far smaller than most, and apart from stuff missing because it just hasn't been gotten to yet, I can't think of much that's really regressed---at least as of the latest version of Plasma 5 that went into the Kubuntu beta last week or so, which also finally handles high-DPI without weirdness. But honestly, it's another transitionary period, if you don't want things randomly changing on you then don't follow it via a rolling release, because things WILL be broken and there WILL be wonkiness as the development goes through various systems and functionality and rewrites them for the newer frameworks.

Systemd, however, is another matter. It seems great on mobile and embedded devices, but I entirely agree with you that the layers of abstraction and automation make it really hard to figure out what the fuck is going on, especially when something is going wrong. I guess that's kindof their goal, though, at least indirectly, since the "GnomeOS" guys seem to want to emulate Apple, and that's exactly how Apple stuff is, it "just works" up until it "just fucking doesn't WTF" and it's just a black box of pain.

Comment Re:thank God they didn't have computers.... (Score 1) 629

Doesn't every computer geek who grew up in the 90s have a story like that? As far as I'm concerned, benignly hacking your teacher is a completely normal and expect part of growing up!

If all schools start reacting to that kind of thing like the one in TFA did, they really will need H1Bs because all the Americans who otherwise would have become developers will be in prison!

Yup, I have very similar stories myself, although personally I mostly used it just to go over the print limit.

Comment Obligatory recent XKCD (Score 1) 146

I think ultimately the answer will be Hurd, Stallman and co will keep it ideologically pure and eventually it'll get bigger as more people abandon corporate Linux.

The recent shows human civilization ending in around 2042. There's a pause afterwards with no OSes run, and then in 2059, GNU/Hurd.

One of the survivors, poking around in the ruins with the point of a spear, uncovers a singed photo of Richard Stallman. They stare in silence. "This," one of them finally says, "This is a man who BELIEVED in something."

Comment Re:nonsensical (Score 1) 667

Indeed, there may be no such thing as proper English, but that doesn't mean all shifts or variations are equal; increased ambiguity can be a practical problem.

Addendum: I tried to post this comment, but Slashdot mobile appeared to eat it. So I forced the classic site with a "request desktop" switch up, logged back in, found the comment I meant to reply to, and tried reposting. Now it's saying that my exact comment has already been posted, but I don't see it, so one way or another Slashdot is screwing up. Hey /., F U.

Comment KDE is only soft-depending on systemd (Score 1) 765

It's for the sake of niceness (well, security and consistency) with locking/unlocking a session. KDE can be run just fine without systemd, just regresses slightly (to how it has acted in all times previously) without systemd.

Frankly, that's the completely sensible way to act towards systemd, and I would be baffled why GNOME didn't follow a similar path if I didn't know that the GNOME and systemd camps are both heavily connected due to Red Hat (the same folks have long talked about the concept of "GnomeOS", and Poettering has called the kernel a mere "implementation detail"; KDE doesn't have the same ties, and has over time gotten less wedded to specific underlying structures and stacks at the same time that GNOME and GTK has gotten moreso).

Personally, I find systemd just a little too complicated, and have run into at least one showstopping issue that, while not a bug in systemd itself, wouldn't really have happened without the level of interlocking complexity that systemd inserts. Distro-creators love it, and it honestly does work well on things like mobile devices (hello there, SailfishOS!) because it makes easier the process of setting up a specific system to be used widely in that exact configuration. But I'm quite apprehensive of how it will interact with more chaotic systems, like normal Linux desktops and servers where many different pieces of hardware and software are installed and all affecting and interacting with systemd. I've installed Debian Jessie on my Raspberry Pi 2 for the sake of toying around with it so I get some experience with it (and immediately ran into the aforementioned issue and created a bug report for it).

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