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Comment Foresight and intuition. (Score 1) 228

Example, while driving home today, a bird flew low in front on my car, so I immediately slammed on my brakes.

Not for the bird, but for the kid being pulled into the street by the dog he was walking that started to chase the bird, that I predicted by being aware of the situation, knowledge of Labrador behavior, and the mass ratio of the dog and kid.

I 're'acted before the real hazard started moving, before child detecting radar could have.

Comment Re:Honestly ... (Score 4, Interesting) 342

Promotional machines/settings; they can set individual machine odds.

A new cluster of machines come in they set the game to payout well, to get people addicted, so it becomes some people's favorite machine.

After a couple weeks/months they slowly lower the percentage, while moving the machine out of the prime spot, with the addicts following it, and they set up the next new game...

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
