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Comment Danger, danger, Will Robinson!!!!!! (Score 0) 136

...Its Xbox gaming platform is seen as a potential hub or control center for home devices....

At some point, the XBox will have "special" protocols and interfaces so that Microsoft will be able to push its own incompatible version of any infrastructure. History has shown that to be the manner in which Microsoft operates.

Microsoft does not know how to work in a marketspace where the playing field is level, so Microsoft will always strive to tilt the playing field in its favor.

Comment Bad software justifies bad actions... (Score 4, Insightful) 495

Microsoft has pushed upon the world (literally, the world) software that has a history of security issues.

Now it appears that Microsoft is using their reputation for producing security-challenged software to badger companies for PR purposes. The headlines will all read, ~Microsoft takes down a company that is a security threat~. And Microsoft will look good in the headline.

But what has Microsoft really accomplished? Will Microsoft's reputation for software with abysmal security be changed? Or will a small company be crushed because a huge company is trying to look good?

Comment GM CEO hearings (Score 1) 236

...As Google expands beyond Web search and seeks a foothold in the automotive market, the company's eagerness has begun to reek of arrogance to some in Detroit, who see danger as well as promise in Silicon Valley.

All one has to do is watch the GM CEO testifying in the Congressional hearings, and read the reports about GM's safety failures, to see the arrogance is not with google, but with Detroit. The folks in Michigan are afraid of google in the same manner that auto dealerships are afraid of Tesla's direct sales. The current, cozy, entrenched business interests are going to be upset for the benefit of the consumer.

Comment Re:Swedish farmers are wise (Score 4, Insightful) 567

... IPCC has been furiously back pedaling...

Furiously back pedaling? - or - Careful restatement of certain specific points based upon new information, while keeping the overall context intact?

I've seen so much over the top hype and hysteria from the climate change deniers, that I no longer believe their 10 word or less summaries of why climate change is not happening.

The climate change deniers need to start presenting a better level of peer-reviewed data and conclusions, and stop their unproven assertions (note: hypothetical research papers funded by the oil and coal industries, however well that funding is hidden, do not count.)

Comment That's why I left mensa (Score 1) 561

... In short, you don't always join Mensa because you think you're smart. You join to be set apart from most people, who are, as one member put it: "mundane."...

That's not why you join mensa, that why you continue to be a member after you join.

When I attended the mensa meetings, the condescending attitude of mensa people towards others was quite a surprise to me. After a few meetings I just stopped attending and did not renew my membership.

Comment What a mess this will be... (Score 1) 132

A sleek, once-efficient browser has now been turned into a bloated platform for for IDE hosting. Why would anyone want to use such a mess for such a critical part of their development infrastructure, especially in light of the continuing whimsical and frequent changes to the look, feel and operation of the FireFox UI by out of touch developers.

Comment He's the one who got it wrong... (Score 1) 270

Perhaps Mr. McMillen needs to take a reality pill and realize that he is the person who has gotten it wrong, not everyone else.

I'm surprised that Wired fell for this false equivalence.

Sure, it is always good to publish ideas that may be in opposition to the mainstream. But I would have expected Wired to at least publish opposing ideas that are not so completely ridiculous, thereby giving those ridiculous ideas a false equivalence to the reality-based mainstream ideas.

Comment Privacy policy (Score 5, Informative) 82

From the summary:

...he says that data won't be shared with anyone, including Google, without a customer's permission. ...

What he actually says is:

...Like Nest customer data, Dropcam will come under Nest’s privacy policy, which explains that data won’t be shared with anyone (including Google) without a customer’s permission....

What Nest's privacy policy actually says is:

We pledge to: ... Ask your permission before sharing your Personally Identifiable Information with third parties for purposes other than to provide Nest’s services,

Notice how, we won't share your data with anyone without your permission in the article suddenly morphs into we won't share your personally identifiable information with anyone in the actual privacy policy statement?

What about the other non-personally identifiable data, like when my house is empty? Or how many people are in the house? etc, etc.

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