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Comment Re:The Future (Score 1) 608

Why would the deaths be any different than they currently are? Fewer and fewer babies born each year for whatever reasons would lead to our extinction. Violence isn't necessary nor desirable.

I apologize for being probably very unclear. My thoughts aren't very clear even to myself due to a high fever, but a nice, gentle pop out of existence is what I was thinking of last night when I felt I would be ok with it.

Comment The Future (Score 1) 608

I've usually considered myself a caring person. Reading these discussions has made me reconsider that view, because many posters seem to express actual concern over the future of humans, and whether our species will still be around many thousands, even millions of years from now.

But me, I don't seem to care. I certainly don't wish to expedite the process by harming any fellow humans, but if our species was to go extinct in the relatively near future even (hundreds of years), I would be ok with it. Species go extinct all the time. If we don't get to spread all over the galaxy, that's fine too. We aren't any more or less important than other species. (Or maybe I feel that way merely because my sense of self-worth is very low.)

Comment Re:code review idea (Score 5, Interesting) 447

Serious question: Why don't you become the new maintainer yourself, if you honestly believe you can do a significantly better job at it than the current person(s)?

I don't do it myself because I can not guarantee that I wouldn't make even worse mistakes. I'm glad there are people out there who are willing to do the job, and I'm in no position to bite their heads off when they mess it up. And you're probably glad that I'm not a maintainer of anything even remotely security-related :-)

Comment Re:What the hell is wrong with some people? (Score 1) 266

How does your post help the submitter? Your post and now mine aren't any more helpful than those you call unhelpful drivel.

I use both Windows and Debian GNU/Linux. Both work fine for me. There are nice and not-so-nice people in both Windows and Linux communities. The niceness of the community doesn't have anything to do with technical superiority or inferiority of the operating systems (or kernels if you will).

Comment Re:Find a project for your support job (Score 1) 133

Nice story, sounds quite familiar. Nowadays it's so easy to find tools and applications for almost anything that I usually don't feel the need to code stuff (I did it professionally for a while but I'm back to being a hobbyist coder). I wonder if I'm just not that interested in programming any more, or whether it's because I haven't had an itch to scratch in a while.

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