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Comment Re:Not owning a car is un-American (Score 1) 454

I love socialism. Here in "socialist" Japan a great many people happily rely on (really great) public transport every day. I love it.

Even better is that my company pays for my monthly commuter pass. (That is standard practice here).

Oh, and left-wing bicycles are widely used here for shorter journeys.

What a utopia it would be if every human on the planet owned their car and there was not enough space to park them never mind drive them anywhere...

Comment Happy Gnome 3 User (Score 1) 267

I am happy with Gnome 3 (via CentOS 7) on my home laptop and work desktop machine. It looks great and I was able to configure it to my taste. CentOS 7 also comes with systemd. Never had to give it a second thought. For my needs this is a great desktop OS for home use and the development work I do in the office.

Comment Re:Look to Japan as a model for what not to do (Score 1) 710

I think the low birth rate in Japan is due to the toxic effect of kombini lunches.

I work for a Japanese company but I am not pressured to work unnecessary overtime. If there was a serious drama happening I would stay late to fix it because I want the company to succeed. Otherwise I work the hours for which I am paid and feel pretty relaxed about that.

Comment Re:soylentnews (Score 1) 199

My Soylent UID is even lower than my Slashdot one :-)

Soylent looks great TBH. I can actually see myself switching over if Slashdot's owners are determined to ruin all that is good about their web site with a crappy "modern looking" redesign.

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