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Comment Re:Why do people listen to her? (Score 4, Insightful) 588

And we have studies detailing the risk for vaccines and none of them implicate autism. The woman refuses to accept them. This is akin to the World Trade Center nutjobs who claim a conspiracy...which would only involve several hundred people who all managed to keep their mouths shut due to some mystical influence from...choose your hobgoblin: The Illuminati, the Jews, the Government, the Man, the Aliens, the Republicans, Ronald MacDonald, the Gecko on the insurance commercials, Gordon Gekko, former President Bush, Condoleeza Rice, Sasquatch, etc.

The woman is either a liar or too dim to understand the implications of what she's saying. In either case, she's a menace to the other dimbulbs who believe her and society which relies on vaccines.

Comment Re:see where your taxes go (Score 1) 322

It isn't illegal, it is part of the tax code. And they cannot shuffle profits made in the U.S. to offshore accounts, especially given the current lack of funds in Washington and the political hay that could be made cracking down on them...except they cannot. A congressional committee had Apple's CEO in front of them to explain it to them. He did. They wrote it into the tax law and it became part of the playing field Apple and the rest must play on.

Congress is the problem. And don't even think to complain about lobbyists, it is congresscritters that have sold their own votes. They are to blame, companies compete wherever their competitors choose to compete.

Comment Re:see where your taxes go (Score 3, Interesting) 322

Nice fairy tale. The IRS had their budget cut and the chances of being audited is the lowest it has been in years,

Now, you probably think this is a good thing, except that the sainted American people will do anything to cheat on their taxes. Whether you like it or not, much of higher and lower education rely on taxes, as does most fundamental research. But Congress has been cutting that as well because research grows on trees, right.

And the problem isn't with the IRS, it is with the tax code. Congresses and Presidents have written that. The last simplification happened because Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan agreed to simplify it and rammed it through Congress, although it took them several years. The current crop of congresscritters cannot agree on where the sun rises, good luck in simplification.

Comment Re:Last hope (Score 1) 174

Gee, videos on youtube, that must mean it is eminently viable.

Put a different way, if everything you said about its cost+research is true, GE would already be all over it.

Put a different way, there's not a chance in hell the U.S. is going to let Ma and Pa Kettle put up a nuclear reactor just because GE refuses.

And I support nuclear energy.

Comment Re:Already gone to Linux Mint Cinnamon... (Score 1) 245

What percentage of what you need to do does Windows 7 allow? Is it easier getting that last 10 % working on Windows 7 or would it be easier to re-write for Linux. I'm guessing the former, but it depends on the complexity of your apps. Starting any one from scratch would be a bitch, unless Windows 7 is forcing this as well.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 470

Because public opinion dictates politicians' stomach for funding science. Unless you are a conservative Republican who believes science just happens, increasingly liberal Democrats are starting to believe the same thing. It's almost as if they were doing the nasty together and spawning stupidity.

Comment Re:Some science teachers are idiots (Score 1) 470

Scientist teaching: Kids, here are the principles of evolution ***principles***. Here's why we believe it to be correct ***beliefs***.

Parent: What the hell are you teaching my kids, stop inflicting your beliefs on them. Teach the controversy.

School Administrator: Dear Parent, we're sorry for our Visiting Scientist's misapprehension of the controversy and we aim to provide a quality education.

Parent: "Misapprehension of the controversy", so you think I'm stupid.

Parent's Lawyer: My client and I are willing to settle for $20 million due to the damage your school as inflicted on my client's spawn. Can we expect that shortly or would you like us to drag you through the courts and newspapers?

School Administrator: Oh fuck it, you win, here's your winnings, $20 million.

Parent's Lawyer: Thank you, but since you fell over so easily, could you make that a round $40 million, I need a really good boat.

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