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Comment Re: What Would be a Trivial Amount? (Score 1) 198

Indeed. We should be targetting microwatts or at most tens of milliwatts not tens of watts. We're talking lazy engineering and insufficiently discerning end-users here.

(I'd like to chat about your stuff off-line, BTW. as part of our public IoT Launchpad project, see sig!)



Comment Re:QuikClot and Celox (Score 3, Interesting) 76

Is there a significant antigen left in this foam?

I know people can be allergic to almost anything, but this looks to me like only relatively simple innocuous compounds remain in the foam.

The point being on the battlefield, what proportion of people would be killed by this from anaphylaxis (say) rather than saved by it?



Comment Re:EU regs state standby power must use 0.5W (Score 2) 198

IIRC units are shipped in the EU with the 'instant-on' mode disabled by default, which would meet regs.

So it's superficially a software issue pandering to a chunk of their consumers being by default happy to waste lots of energy all the time (or never realising what's going on) rather than press a button. And we wonder why some places have an obesity and a power-consumption problem!



Comment Re:Waste is heat! (Score 1) 198

And electric resistance heating is usually *terrible* compared to any number of available alternatives.

It represents a *huge* waste of exergy, when a heat pump (as you allude to) can produce several units of heat for one unit of electricity.

So, in summer it's all bad and in winter it;'s at least 75% bad. And that's ignoring (eg) CO2 and other emissions from the generation mix.

Can we stop with this "waste is good" meme?



Comment Re:Power supply costs, BMs and shi5 (Score 1) 198

It's still not a good reason to waste something that is trivially easy to avoid wasting.

So, 0.26W would be somewhat over 0.1% of my house's mean grid consumption (1700kWh gross ignoring my solar PV). I have a family of four.

I still make an effort to charge devices off grid because it helps me think about my energy use for the bigger items too.

tl;dr: an efficient charger not doing anything isn't a killer, but 900kWh/month is a travesty.



Comment Re: What Would be a Trivial Amount? (Score 1) 198

Note: skylights are poor thermally and let a lot of heat out. Also I had one in a previous house in the bathroom where the seal was so bad (thus clearly leaking air too) that I had the surreal experience of being hailed on in the bath.

Also, have skylights ways from south (if you're in the northern hemisphere) to avoid excessive glare and overheating.

BTW, I have triple glazing now! Overall heat consumption from natural gas was 3000kWh last year and electricity 1700kWh.




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