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Comment Re:Wipe your mouth, Slashdot (Score 4, Interesting) 216

You're right. People aren't appreciative *enough* of him.

Let's see. Creates the best car ever, creates rockets for fun and as insurance to potentially save humanity by going to Mars, going to create rockets at least half the price as competitors, and potentially 100x cheaper, wants to save the Earth from CO2 and is beginning to do it, amazing engineer, helped create Paypal (when it was good), open-sourced patents, envisaged design for hyperloop, building the largest battery factory ever made by an order of magnitude or more, wanted to originally research supercaps (great area to study!), cares about quality rather than just money. Put every last penny he had at his own cost in order to save Tesla and SpaceX. Speaks frankly during interviews.

No one like him.

Comment A single unified OS (Score 1) 133

The computer OS is too important to be left to market forces and fickle managers.

There should be a worldwide effort to create a single free unified OS (with a metadata filesystem, and 100% scaleable GUI!) for everyone, which dumps the bloat and legacy code of old OSs (including Linux) and starts afresh. It won't happen now, or even soon, but sometime within the next 1000 years it is almost definite.

Such an OS won't drastically change over the years, but keep with a consistent theme (no flatland design!), only changing if a consortium of thousands of the brightest software engineers, mathematicians, scientists, and designers agree it's for the best. Everyone writes software for it, and there are no worries of cross-porting or compatibility issues. All software will be completely self-contained (no external libraries, or preference files scattered over the OS), and 32 bit would be a thing of the past. Searching for files and programs takes the OS less than 0.05 seconds in all cases.

I would dig that OS.

Comment Finally (Score 1) 60

Amazing to think that we're finally catching on to the 60fps standard that we had decades ago.

It's only a matter of time before 120fps+ (which can look a lot better than 60fps) itself becomes the norm. Having a black screen inserted between every 1/120th frame (to make a pseudo 240fps) would help blurriness etc. even more.

Comment Re:Yes & the sheer amount of existing code/fra (Score 1) 414

I've often thought about a programming language where you only need to write the smallest possible amount of code to achieve what you're trying to do. And have it clear too (so not Perl style).

No bloat, no header files, no semicolons at the end of lines, swap functionality of && with & and || with | (colour coding them too), power-of symbol (^), terse Haskell-style functionality, and even no forced declarations (the IDE can colour code variables according to whether they're int, double, string etc. automatically, and the scope is automatically defined as the outermost appearance of the variable). The compiler would do ALL the hard work to optimize the program.

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