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Comment Re:Maybe not extinction... (Score 1) 608

" we're not worthy of another planet to live on until we clean up our collective act and start acting like the responsible, thinking beings that we keep telling ourselves that we are."

hmm, it seems you are unfamiliar with how natural selection works nor the human race, as these are both the principles that are used when discussing the topic you are posting in, maybe you should reflect on this... the point of the "great filter" discussion is not whether a species "deserves" (a highly malleable term as it is dependent on the moral observations of the user) to colonize the known universe, but why it hasn't if there is abundant life. this question has nothing to do with "deserve" and all to do with ability.

Comment Re:That is why social Hacking is Bad MmmKaa. (Score 1) 329

"because who would attack the network of a HOSPITAL for CHILDREN in Boston?"

yah who would want the names, dates, SSN #s, and all related medical data of patients?!? crazy to think anyone would.. oh wait.

and then of course there are the hippa laws which mandate patient data security... hmm

Comment Re:I kind of welcome the attention (Score 1) 173

" After all, if you are talking to a cop, you are a criminal, they just might not have proven it yet."

if you look at any city's municipal and criminal code you'll quickly see that in fact there are so many laws covering so many different things, that at any time and place we are all guilty of violating one law or another.

Comment Re:How much more is wasted by advertising (Score 2) 200

"I'm too young to remember this from firsthand experience -- but initially wasn't cable tv ad free?"

yes it was, except for the network stations that came over cable, but then ads appeared there too in the auspice of "defraying the overall bill for cable" even though the cable rates keep getting higher while the channels you got decreased. then they added crappy channels to keep the "packages" the same size but still decrease the actual content you wanted. I have direct TV and about 30% of the channels that come with my "package" are infomercial channels with no actual programming other than commercials.

i dread the day they can read or broadcast to our minds because you won't get a moment's peace except for "THIS MOMENT OF PEACE BROUGHT TO YOU BY SNACKY CAKES!!!, ENJOY SNACKY CAKES............I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THAT MOMENT OF PEACE BROUGHT TO YOU BY SNACKY CAKES!!!"

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 111

"There are BILLIONS of places where a rifle shot could cause damage."

damage in the thousands? how many places where it would cause damage in the tens or hundreds of millions? 1000?

100k to harden each place preventing it and saving lives? that's only 1 billion spent, .01% of a yearly federal budget and well worth it...

but if you feel superior throwing around your favorite term "drunken teenager" i guess post more bullshit.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 111

drunk teenager is not the answer with the fewest assumptions if you take into account the facts.

"involved snipping AT&T fiber-optic lines to knock out phone and 911 service in the area and firing shots into a PG&E substation."

how do you get drunk teenager from that? from your years as a wild youth coordinating safe ingress and egress from locations allowing deliberate phone line sabotage and long range high powered rifle targeting intermediate power supply stations on a whim after too many beers?

the only razor applied here was the one to any hint of sanity.

Comment Re:San Fran = the new Detroit (Score 1) 371

" I hear about through the news now are in the spotlight because they're supplying alcohol and pot to nine-year-olds, burning down schools and dropping breeze blocks off motorway overpasses into the windscreens of passing cars."

im 40 and when i was 15 this exact stuff was also just as popular.. this is a trend that has no limit of time, it is just the wild and notion of immortality that is part of youth, just the degree of damage and ways in which it is perpetrated that changes as technology allows for greater misdeeds to be done (e.g. dropping blocks off an overpass is akin to fireworks in a cobblestone street scaring horses, or tipping candles and burning down barns)

Comment Re:Poor poor bigot (Score 1) 1116

" If 90% of the country was gay and forbade you from marrying a person of the opposite gender because marriage had always been for same-sex couples, would you feel oppressed? "

would the same country allow us to have a legal union allowing us the same rights? just not a term used by those believing gay is the only way approved by "their god"?

Comment Re:Let it die (Score 1) 510

"What? So let more deaf people be deaf and let them feel what it means to be deaf? That's one of the silliest things I've read."

cochlear implant /= hearing, people born deaf feel they aren't missing out on anything, in fact they see the world in a way you never can, so of course in your limited way you find things incomprehensible "silly".

" So we should stop looking for cures for cancer and stop using existing cures because people with cancer can't share their pain?"

did you really compare being deaf to cancer?

" I mean, It's not like existing deaf people can't get implants."

how about you go get implants since they are so great? maybe part of the reason deaf people find it outrageous for parents to force children to get implants is because people like you see deafness as a deficiency, while they don't.. they can speak with their own language, have their own culture, and don't need you to force them to be surgically altered because you don't think they are good enough.

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