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Comment Re:What does that even mean (Score 3, Informative) 95

A mountain at 42,164bkm would have the peak in geosynchronous orbit

But not geostationary (unless the mountain were at the equator) so while you might not fall down, you'd be in a bit of an awkward orbit yourself, relative to that mountain. Quick, someone try it in Kerbal Space Program!

But if someone built a tower 384,000 km high, it would travel faster than the moon. And if you jumped off that tower, you'd also never reach the ground.

One of the problems with building a space elevator on Mars is that it would be higher then the (innermost) moon, which would come say "Hi!" every few hours, moving quite fast.

Comment Re:Force his hand..."Sue me! Sooner than later..." (Score 1) 379

If you were fired from your job because became a registered Republican, the Republican party would go to war for the right to represent you in court./quote

A great many people have been fired for being Republican, most famously the editor of Playgirl. Oddly, political party is not a protected class and you have no recourse in most states.

Comment More than PR (Score 5, Insightful) 385

The question is, would he have done this even if not running for president?

The answer is obviously yes, based on past behavior. Rand Paul has been one of the few people willing to go on record voting against things he does not agree with, instead of not voting at all.

So while of course some element of it is PR, that is not the core reason as to why he did this.

Comment RTFA (Score 1) 116

The article has a picture of the CURRENTLY WORKING drone. It doesn't have large tanks of anything, it has two small tubes of hydrogen.

I think you have greatly miscalculated the pressures needed by this system. It's not storing pounds of the stuff, just 4oz or so across two fairly large tubes...

Comment Re:Or they're just proxying their connections (Score 1) 224

What I'm saying is, before I rely on sneakernet on the off chance it having specifically what I want, I'll turn to other options. I'm not some bored kids in the burbs in the 70s that needs to go out and play baseball for a 1000th time, because there's absolutely nothing else to do.

It's not about "do you have this specific must-have thing I'm looking for"; it's about "lets swap all the all the movies each of us has ever ripped/torrented, so now both our collections are larger".

The only stuff I watch on my TV are the few titles Netflix has for streaming, or anything from my hard drive. I still have hundreds of DVDs in boxes, but I never watch them directly -- the UI is too annoying. Anything "must watch", I'll buy the DVD, rip it, and watch it immediately, but that's only a few titles a year. When I'm bored, I'll look through my movie directory and see if anything looks interesting enough to watch.

Comment I laid out the facts, horse will not drink (Score 0) 102

I did - the facts are that the Clinton foundation claims to be a charity, but uses almost none of the money collected for charity. The facts are that the foundation gained a huge boost in donations from people while Clinton was in the state department, from people/governments who had matters being decided by the state department...

If you want to ignore the facts, fine. Just don't claim to be for them at the same time.

Comment "Limited" defined (Score 2, Insightful) 102

Sure, if by "never contacted" you mean "given lots of money, along with other people on the panel, to vote a specific way".

Are you really so naive? You don't even have to dislike the clintons to understand the fundamental flow of money involved here and just how easy it is for that to have an effect on the results.

It's also stupid on the face of things to claim Clinton had no influence when donations to her charity fell drastically after she left the state dept... You don't need a tinfoil hat to pick up the subtle single there.

Comment Re:Or they're just proxying their connections (Score 3, Interesting) 224

It will get to the point where people will seriously move back to sneakernet methods, aka, literally travelling outside to meet people to share files.

This has always been the primary way movies were shared. As the saying goes, never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of magtape. People exchanging multi-TB drives full of ripped movies accounts for most of the bytes shared, at least according to some /. story we once had. And in some cities there are popular blind drops - where you put your favorite rips on a USB key, go to the niche in the wall in the park, and swap yours for the one that's there - potluck, but I guess its fun to see what you might get at random.

You bet your ass people will fight to protect their downloads. This is the internet damn it, people fight over lesser things.
Obviously not the fat sweaty nerd types, they'll likely have a stroke before any of this happens, likely with a penis attachment hanging from them and some anime VN dating game.

Come now, this will be an online fight, a battle of crypto and steganography, and in a fight like that I'd bet on the fat nerds who really want copies of that next anime VN dating game over the entire NSA!

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The only possible interpretation of any research whatever in the `social sciences' is: some do, some don't. -- Ernest Rutherford
