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Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 1) 40

The first patent (which had no attempt to commercialize) was in 1979. Most early research, with largely failed attempts to come up with a commercially viable product, were in the mid 1980s. The tech has slowly advanced since then, and nowadays is becoming rather mature.

I don't know why this is seen as a way to diss 3d printing. Some people's hatred of makerbots and their ilk is so great that they can't accept that 3d printing broadly has developed into actually useful production processes in some fields. Rocketry is a great example. It's just silly to have to make (and warehouse) moulds or stamps for parts that you only need a couple dozen of and which you may revise after just a couple launches. Now that 3d printing technologies have advanced enough to produce high quality metal parts, it's properly taking of. It even pairs nicely with CNC, there's now hybrid 3d printing / CNC machines out there. CNC gets you the coarse, primary shape and 3d printing adds in the intricate and/or jutting out components.

3d printing is a very useful technology for low volume or rapidly evolving part runs. No need to play it down just because Makerbots exist.

Comment Re:Me personally? no.. (Score 1) 350

It depends. a dipole in your apartment/condo is just fine at QRP power levels. if you plan on transmitting at 1000 watts, well things will get really exciting for you.

I have a 10 Meter dipole ran at the peak of my house in the attic, works great for the directions I want to talk.

Everything else I use a current Loop antenna that is smaller and easily turned. or if I am portable when camping I use a BuddiPole/BuddiStick setup. Those also work indoors, but again, if you are at 100 watts or higher, RF feedback and RF exposure to yourself get's really wacky. I have seen guys fry their own gear when running 500 watts on an antenna that was only 30 feet away from themselves due to induction.

A lot of hams claim that more power is good. It's not. 5 Watts QRP you can easily talk around the world on. and it's a lot easier to do in an apartment/condo setting.

Add PSK31 digital mode into the mix and suddenly you are talking to people barely above the noise floor 1500 miles away.

Comment Re:Here's a better idea (Score 4, Interesting) 678

Do the math - bottled water doesn't even move the dial compared to agriculture. Total US consumption of bottle water per year = 10 billion gallons or about 31,000 acre feet. An acre-foot is about what one household uses per year, so it's the equivalent of a small city. In contrast, California uses 38 billion gallons a DAY. Stopping bottled water will not solve the water crisis. Alfalfa would certainly have a bigger impact.


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