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Comment Re:Wrong paradigm here (Score 1) 187

This is changing though. If you run a distribution with SELinux enabled, many applications and daemons are likely to be blocked from making outbound connections. Changing the rules is somewhat difficult though; distributions generally assume that the user does not have a clue when asked whether frobnitzd should be allowed to connect to Slashdot, so there is no GUI for asking the user.

AppArmor can do it too, and the configuration is perhaps a bit easier. I have no idea how much Ubuntu restricts by default.

Comment Re:Green wave (Score 1) 364

Bikes must not go through roundabouts. They are the Achilles heel of roundabouts. They need their own lane entirely separated from the traffic in the roundabout, with their own separate crossings where they have to yield to cars. Even that solution is bad for bikes, because that means they have to yield a lot, and if there are a lot of bikes they end up in a traffic jam.

In England bikes rarely get squashed in roundabouts because there are so few of them and they generally go quite fast and seize the lane like motorcycles in roundabouts. That solution does not scale, in places like Denmark where bikes are plentiful and often go quite slow that would jam the roundabouts.

Comment Re:energy from BRAKING - best for stop-and-go (Score 1) 262

Accelerating at a modest rate is not particularly an advantage in a petrol car. Petrol cars are only decently efficient under full load, so you want to accelerate quite swiftly, using as high a gear as possible. If you are driving an automatic, it will spoil that idea by "helpfully" shifting down when it detects that you are pushing the accelerator, so that only works in a manual.

Comment Re:Shoot it to the sun? (Score 1) 154

Because are wrong. I am not talking about landing on the Sun. You need to get rid of the "horizontal" delta-V of the Earth. "Vertical" delta-V is a non-issue; the Sun's gravity can provide plenty of that, but that only helps you once you get rid of your horizontal delta-V. Otherwise you keep missing.

And yes you only need to get rid of enough horizontal delta-V to strike the outer parts of the Sun. The difference is negligible.

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