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Comment Re:*Grabs a bowl of popcorn* (Score 1) 385

Well now, this should end up a wonderful thread full of angsty "geniuses" whining about how they can totally identify with the Termites because no one "gets" them.

It's the geek equivalent of teenage girls moaning about how hard it is to be beautiful, and how they wish they could be plain like their friends, who have really great personalities.

Comment Re:Not fully junk (Score 1) 313

" the very very obscure chance that the girl might be discovered to be still alive after all "

Jesus, I know some don't read the article, but this is full fucking ludicrous.

But even forgetting how awful that sounds, why would even think that ALL biochemical information has been destroyed by vitrification? Cell membranes being ruptured is incompatible with life, but it is a far cry from all info lost.

What they should do is encase the brain in amber, as the Jurassic Park documentary showed that this will allow bringing back to life even if it's hundreds of millions of years in the future.

Comment Re:Not fully junk (Score 1) 313

Those cryonically preserved today will almost certainly never be revivable, but that doesn't mean that nothing will come of the technology. For example, freezing of transplant organs to keep them viable longer may be entirely possible. Freezing a person in order to preserve them may also someday be possible.

No one is saying there shouldn't be research into this. That doesn't mean you should accept money from desperate people when you know they will never be brought back to life.

Comment Re:Hasn't this been proven to be junk science? (Score 1) 313

This whole thread merely demonstrates that words can have more than one meaning. "Hope" self evidently means different things to different people.

It's like discussing "love" where to one person it means the feeling of communal happiness at a music concert, and to someone else fucking a weasel.

Comment Re:WHAT? (Score 1) 313

You're right, anyone in their right mind wouldn't fall for this scam. But I suppose that parents who lost their 2 year old kid after a long and painful illness aren't exactly in their right mind.

That's what makes this disgusting rather than merely depressing. It's on the same level as people claiming to be mediums contacting the recently departed: pure scum.

Comment Re: Real fight (Score 1) 179

If you believe the only goal of the company is to make money I hope you never start a business. Shareholder Value Maximisation theory pushed forward by Milton Friedman has been one of the most destructive and empirically flawed ideas in the 20th century.

If you aren't interested in maximising shareholder value, you should not have (external) shareholders. There is nothing that forces a company to become a publicly traded one.

Comment Re:Antarctica (Score 1) 137

it just seems crazy to go through the trouble of settling Mars (or even Moon) without settling Antarctica first.

The company that gets the first Moon base will have a captive workforce and no pesky government interference. It will be a libertarian's paradise. Plus, they get to lob rocks at the Earth if anyone argues with them.

I'm not sure, but I think someone wrote a book about this.

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