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Comment And this, kids, is why you configure your servers (Score 3, Insightful) 89

Because clients are run by idiots. Sorry, but it's true.

Clients are run by people who look at the funny acronyms and you can watch their eyes glaze over. If they know anything about it, they will know that there are keys and these keys depend on how big the number next to them is. That there are symmetric and asymmetric keys and that 512bit can be a LOT if it's symmetric and insignificantly little if it's asymmetric is already something you won't be able to teach them.

So configure your servers, people. Configure them to ONLY accept sensible ciphers. Yes, that means that people with Internet Explorer 5 might not be able to use your page. Then inform them to fucking get a browser that was made in this millennium! These people are a security risk and bluntly, if you want to do business with them, you do not want to do business with me.

Or at least I don't want to do business with you!

Comment Re:Ciphersuite Negotiation (Score 2) 89

One set of algorithms, good for the lifetime of the device... hmm... you mean, like, say, SSLv3 until about 6 months ago? If we hadn't found POODLE, it would still meet all criteria for a good, secure algo for the foreseeable future. At the very least for the lifetime of any device build within the last year (until about 6 months, of course).

There is no such thing as "guaranteed to be secure for the lifetime of a device". All it takes is to find a fundamental flaw in the algorithm (like, well, POODLE) and what was supposedly bulletproof for the next few decades crumbles like a house of cards the next day.


Study: Refactoring Doesn't Improve Code Quality 247

itwbennett writes: A team of researchers in Sri Lanka set out to test whether common refactoring techniques resulted in measurable improvements in software quality, both externally (e.g., Is the code more maintainable?) and internally (e.g., Number of lines of code). Here's the short version of their findings: Refactoring doesn't make code easier to analyze or change (PDF); it doesn't make code run faster; and it doesn't result in lower resource utilization. But it may make code more maintainable.

Comment Re:Bad idea (Score 2) 671

And then what?

I don't really like Putin. Personally I consider him a huge step back in Russia's way towards a real democracy (ok, it's not like there are any good role models left for that, but ... hey, let's remember the good ol' days when the US had to pretend to be the good guy 'cause of the bad Commies), but the question is "what comes after?"

I can't help but compare him to Saddam. Saddam sure was not a good leader. But even his tyrannic regime was better than the clusterfuck that's going down now.

At least for everyone outside Iraq...

Comment Re:Same deal as Petraeus? (Score 1) 671

His first thought sure was to get rich and famous and get a book and movie deal out of it. Because, hey, Hollywood sure is going to be all over someone who hands out national secrets, that's the kind of movie everyone wants to back with money! Not to mention all the tail he's gonna get, 'cause, you see, a fugitive on the run who has a good chance that some special op team bursts in at any time, preferably if he's busy shagging you, who'd be a very unwanted witness so you'd ratehr be something we love to call collateral damage today, hell, if that doesn't get you to cream your panties, what is?

Comment Re:Same deal as Petraeus? (Score 4, Funny) 671

Right, where's the American spirit? The General Asshole did it for vanity, fame and money, in short, the American dream. And that idiot Snowden for "love of his country" and "moral values". Fuck that, you gotta monetize that shit! Giving away state secrets for free is so Un-American, you commie bastard!

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