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Comment Re:Curse you, Entropy! (Score 2) 486

All well and good, but doesn't exactly solve the problem of greenhouse gas emissions.

Sure it does. (Not that one small pilot project solves the problem, I mean if the tech is scaled up.) It's carbon-neutral just like biofuels are, it does not add any net CO2 to the atmosphere: it only puts in what it took out to make the fuel in the first place. (I suppose your could even use it to remove CO2, to get us back to 350ppm via carbon sequestration -- make up a bunch of "blue crude" and then stick it underground, running an oil well in reverse.) The problem with greenhouse gas emissions is fossil carbon, which puts in carbon that was captured millions of years ago.

Comment Re:Google Streams (Score 4, Interesting) 359

if Microsoft did something like this (which they did in the 1990s), the masses would be at the gates with pitchforks and flaming torches screaming for blood.

No they wouldn't. Some geeks would be pissed off, which they were in the 90s.

When Google behaves like Microsoft did 20 years ago... well, meh, it's Google, they can do that. What's changed?

Nothing. Many of us are pissed off at Google for ruining good products they had. My bugbear is Google Navigate, and the removal of the separate "blue arrow" navigate icon. They totally fucked it up by rolling it up into Maps and changing the interface the way they did. Even to this day I install the old Maps APK on my Android phones.

Comment Re:Dell, HP, Panasonic (Score 1) 417

Just because you act like a fucking piece of shit on slashdot doesn't mean you are one. But we may as well treat you as you yourself act, so there's little practical difference. PC is a term that refers to computers which run Microsoft operating systems on x86-compatible architectures. That some few people use the term differently does not change reality. Idiot.

Comment Re: Dell, HP, Panasonic (Score 1) 417

Also, there's no longer any such thing as "running natively" - today's x86 actually takes every instruction and translates it into microcode - in other words, the cpu is really just an x86 emulator.

For the purposes of discussing computing hardware -- if the CPU executes the instruction, it is native. It doesn't matter how the CPU goes about the business. Idiot.

Comment Re:Raise Them To Infinity! (Score 1) 309

What rational argument is there that makes it right to strip ownership from the copyright holder after a few decades? Does real estate become public domain after 100 years of ownership?

You have confused ideas with property. The only rational argument for using state force to punish people or make them pay for making a copy of a work is that doing so promotes the creation of more works. That excuse falls off rather rapidly once the author is dead.

A song is not real estate -- if I go into Bob Dylan's house it affects his life, if I sing one of his songs it doesn't -- and so your comparison makes no sense.

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