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Comment Re:UK ISPs cause DoS (Score 1) 160

"Perhaps if you had any facts or evidence to hand you might not have needed the evasions and colourful insults?"

Insults? you mean like those things that you lunged into from the very start and ran with? Oh never mind, you're one of those classic UKIP types aren't you "Wah wah wah, he hurted me, it's not far, only I'm allowed to hurt him, he can't throw anything back at me because it makes me cry to mummy and I have to play the victim". Yeah okay, if you have a problem with insults and they make you cry like your typical Daily Mail play the victim card holder you should maybe try not to use them yourself from the outset. I'm sure playing the victim makes you feel like you're somehow making me out to be the bad guy, but in reality all it does when folks like you to Farage do it is show how utterly weak your arguments are in that you can't stand by and defend them and instead cry about being bullied even though you attempt the exact same thing. You call everyone else weak, but as soon as the tables turn, your tears start flowing.

"despite there patently not being one as some of the biggest ISPs don't clearly aren't in on the big secret."

Well, you know, except the great net neutrality whitewash known as the Open Internet Code that doesn't actually protect net neutrality because it explicitly allows for ISPs to ignore it. The fact that TalkTalk's old boss became a member of government, and the fact that a number of ISPs have started blocking over and above the court order - PlusNet and Sky being the existing examples.

Of course, you ignored this because it doesn't fit your One True World View TM. It's just way too inconvenient, and it wasn't in The Daily Mail so it can't be true!

You still seem to be intent on calling me a leftist, which is quite funny given that last time I defended the right of Israelis to retaliate to military attacks on their state I was called a rightist. This only really further proves my point that wingnuts like you are lost causes, you can't see shades of grey in the middle, it's all or nothing, either you lean wholly in one direction, or wholly in the other. It can't possibly be the case that both sides have good points, and both have bad, and that the best solution is a form of centrism that selects the best of both worlds. But no, The Daily Mail has told you it must be all in hard right wingnuttery, so that's that.

Regardless, I said it doesn't really matter does it? The whole reason you replied so aggressively to my posts is because I've wound you up by pointing out that some of the blocking is not simply a limitation of the law but goes above and beyond that. The fact I got such a response from you is good, because there's nothing better than shaking wingnuts out of their comfort zone. Especially The Daily Mail crowd - you need a little slap of reality now and again, not because it does any good, no, as I pointed out, people like you are unthinking and have crystalised unchangeable views, but simply because you deserve to pay the price of that ignorance - the price of having to face reality once in a while.

I can see you don't post much with this account, so the fact that I have gained so many responses from you shows that you know full well that I've got a point, hence why you're so desperately trying to shut it down. I guess I really touched a nerve, you wouldn't have flown off the handle so easily otherwise, so, well, mission accomplished.

You're not hear to learn something, you're hear to dictate, only you have no power to dictate, and so you just get laughed at and then end up crying like a baby.

Comment Re:Why would a non-sports person have cable? (Score 1) 329

The sports thing is only really important to me during college football season, other than that, I don't watch it.

Ditto. That and Formula 1 as well. Those are really the only two sports I would regularly watch. When the World Cup comes around I would watch that as well.

Aside from that, don't really care to watch any other sports. As Homer said when he was at a baseball game after he had given up drinking beer, "I never realized how boring this game is."

Comment Re:Least common denominator (Score 1) 161

Unless you are ok with that app not working at times.

Web based is 105% crap when connectivity is flakey.

If you are making "free" apps, go for it, but if you are charging a customer $29.95 for the app, it had damn well better be a native app that works even with all radios turned off.

And I have a couple of $29.95 apps. Hell I have one for room audio tuning that was $59.95

Comment Re:Since when (Score 1) 630

Not individual evidence, corroborated evidence. Red beets WILL make me puke. No exceptions. Even the smallest piece of beet eaten with a salad will cause this effect, something I have had all my life.

And yes, they should be removed from the market being the vile products they are.

Comment Re:UK ISPs cause DoS (Score 1) 160

Let's be honest, even if I had a recording of a meeting between ISPs, government and the music industry all agreeing to it and admitting it you would still write it off as a fake, or "leftist propaganda" or a "liberal conspiracy".

When someone like you blasts off a reply about left, or right, or insert whatever inherent hate target you have here it says one thing, it says that that persons views cannot be fluid, it says their views are crystalised. Your outrage, your bile spewing to your chosen hate target occurs because you cannot cope with the idea that the world does not bend to your whims, you detest the idea that someone might think differently to you, you want everything to be as you want it. In short, you have the mind of a dictator, albeit thankfully without any of the power, so you're left spewing bile.

But I'll leave you with this, this isn't a scientific publication, I don't profess that everything I say is guaranteed to be 100% correct, I don't post with a warranty on the validity of it, I post ideas based on what we do know about the world. So yes, it's possible that I'm way off the mark, it's possible that I'm completely wrong, but here's the thing. It's also entirely possible that you're completely wrong too- the difference is I'm open to other views and that's how I get to avoid being a flagrant wing nut, you however, are not, and that's why you are a flagrant bile spewing wingnut with nothing useful to say.

If you would like to know why I've put forward the possibility that ISPs, government and the music industry might well have gotten a little too cosy, then I'd gladly give you some links. But frankly, for that to be even worth my time you'd have to display some semblance of rationality, and get past your wingnut bile spewing. Given your post history I'm not convinced you can do that, you appear too mentally immature to engage in rational debate.

Comment Re:crap (Score 1) 133

Yeah tell me about it, as I say I was struggling at first and figured maybe it was a snobbish reference to the use of artifact rather than the British English but basically never used artefact.

It wasn't until I literally parsed it word by word taking a pause in between that I caught it. It's a rather fantastic example of inbuilt human brain automatic error detection and correction though :) Judging by the replies it caught quite a few people - I think there's a psychological study in there somewhere!

Comment Re:Curse you, Entropy! (Score 1) 486

It's the same mentality which claims recycling aluminum cans is more costly, in every sense, than getting the raw materials and making the can in the first place.

Anything to justify how evil not continuing down our current path is because if it can be shown through evidence that recycling or alternative fuels provide the same benefits we enjoy now with substantially reduced costs and/or environmental effects, their political agenda will be shown for the farce it is.

Comment Re:crap (Score 1) 133

Here is what they said, followed by what you just said they said.

they a found trove of strange artifacts
they found a trove of strange artifacts

Hopefully side by side you can more easily spot the blatant illiteracy :)

Comment Re:UK ISPs cause DoS (Score 1) 160

Have you ever stopped to read one of your own posts? It's just you like to cry that everyone else is crying, which means that you're basically always crying that the world apparently doesn't adhere to your Daily Mail led world view after all.

I know it must suck being lied to all your life, to find out that you've in fact been consistently fed a crock of shit when reality comes shining through, but I'm afraid that's something you'll have to get used to.

Don't worry, you can go and vote Farage soon, and when your ilk get a mere 15% at most you can pretend that you're somehow in a majority and we should do everything you say, even though the reality is you're still a pointless little squeak in the corner that no one gives the slightest shit about.

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