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Comment Re:Should we? (Score 1) 267

I will never understand the quasi-religious fervor some people have about space.

It's the founder effect -- when a small group leaves and establishes a new colony, that group's genes become the dominant genes in the region, even if followed by a relatively large influx some time later. This means that the risks of exploration are countered with the possibility of a tremendous reward in terms of breeding capacity. Thus natural selection favors genes for exploration. ... sorry, I meant "A love for exploration."

Comment Boooooring! (Score 1) 470

The reason no one does realistic space battles in movies is that they would violate people's intuitions just to be incredibly boring, at least if you're trying to show the battle. On the other hand, it would be easy and require little/no cgi to actually make a realistic space battle video, but you'd definitely want to focus on the humans at their consoles rather than on the battlefield. It would be little different than a submarine combat video, I would think.

Comment Re:Oh dear - money grows on trees... (Score 1) 517

Ladies and gentlemen, there is no such thing as a free lunch, despite politicians pretending otherwise for several thousand years.

But we have made lunches much cheaper over the years, which is similar to adding several free lunches. Used to be if you wanted light at night you had to gather olives and squeeze the oil out of them, and keep refilling your lamp, or similar for candles. Now you can buy a solar panel to recharge the battery over the day and power your light at night, which ends up being so much cheaper and more convenient.

Comment Re:Oh good (Score 1) 907

True, but I'm pretty sure that in this case cause and effect works in both directions (ie, it's a viscous cycle). Being poor makes making poor choices more attractive, and making poor choices makes you poor.

But if you make poor choices, having money won't solve your problems. For example, 70% of people who unexpectedly gain a fortune, end up bankrupt 7 years later (link).

Comment Re:Transparency (Score 1) 224

Something happens between the election and the inauguration that changes a president's entire ethos.

Makes you wonder what happens when they brief the incoming president on The Big Secret Stuff.

I think the briefing consists of: The results are in, you won the election. You can stop pandering now and do whatever the hell you actually planned to do.

This is the price that we pay for popularity contest elections, plus that politicians aren't held accountable for breaking campaign promises. (Forcing them to keep campaign promises would be a whole different set of problems)

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