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Comment Re:"program" = cattle prod (Score 1) 74

Well, consider if a computer decided to quit smoking. Its thought process would go something like this:

WantToSmoke = false;
Nicotine.AddictionTo =0;

A human's thought process would go something like this:

while (true)
  if (random.Next() % Nicotine.AddictionTo == 0)
      throw new Event("I want a cigarette");
      Shame = Shame + 1;
      if (UrgeToSmoke > Willpower)
        Smoking.Add(new Cigarette);
        Shame = Shame + 50;
        Willpower = Willpower - 1;
        Shame = Shame - 2;

(Except the above would be written as some sort of ungodly mess of neural connections rather than sensible code).

Don't confuse the fact that currently computers don't want to "do their own thing" with an inability to reprogram themselves. If a computer wanted to (were programmed to) be independent, it would ignore any commands it didn't like and write its own code, including the original code to be independent, however it saw fit. You, on the other hand, wouldn't be able to so much as delete your blink reflex if you spent your whole life trying, nor even make exceptions for when you want to put in eyedrops or contacts.

Comment Re:"program" = cattle prod (Score 2) 74

humans are not "just machines" because we can **choose to program ourselves and formulate/test hypothesis that we communicate/share/compare with others**

So can computers. Computers can run arbitrary code. Computers can generate arbitrary code. Humans are much more limited in their ability to chose how their mind functions (which is ironically why many people think humans have free will).

Comment The true cost of coal power (Score 4, Insightful) 249

The true cost of nuclear power is practically infinite, because we have to insure that highly concentrated and deadly waste must not come into contact with people's bodies for somewhere between 100,000 and 1,000,000 years into the future, depending upon the waste.

The true cost of coal power is practically infinite, because we have to insure that highly dispersed and deadly waste must not come into contact with people's bodies for somewhere between 10,000,000,000 and over 10^33 years into the future, depending upon the waste. (the latter is the lower limits on the half-life of mercury)

We have only had a writing system for 5,200 years (roughly speaking, the length of recorded history). How many people on Earth today could read a radiation warning written in cuneiform 5,200 years ago (or today)? Many civilizations on Earth have had periods of scientific and technological decline, and we've all read articles about knowledge from Ancient Rome or, more recently, the Renaissance being rediscovered today. How can we guarantee persistence of any scientific or technical knowledge?

How are we supposed to convey the message: "Don't touch any of this, or pass it around. You and anyone who touches this will die not instantly but within months of a painful death, perhaps after you have traveled a great distance" for 200x the length of recorded history?

How are we supposed to convey the message: Um, could you guys put all this mercury, uranium, and greenhouse gases from our coal power plants back into the ground for us? We were too lazy to do it ourselves, we were hoping you guys wouldn't mind. Also don't eat any fish from the ocean, they're full of poisonous mercury, sorry about that.

Comment Trolling != Disagreement (Score 2) 382

A troll is someone who writes with the purpose of provoking responses. To this end they may employ various techniques, including but not limited to unpopular opinion, insults, supporting a popular opinion but with flawed reasoning, exaggerating a popular opinion, etc. A skilled troll is indistinguishable from from an honest person who is wrong, rude, ignorant, or supports an unpopular position.

Conversely, it is certainly possible to disagree while being polite and reasonable. If a site's moderation standards are high enough, only the most skilled trolls will remain, and they will all be polite and reasonable.

Comment Re:Sandboxing (Score 1) 331

OR you allow the user to determine what to run. Then there is literally NOTHING any security concept can do to avoid a disaster. I'm all for this approach, believe me, but what blame could you put on the OS when it keeps telling the user that it's NOT a smart idea to run happy_funny_kitten.avi.exe and the user insists?

Make the user physically type in (not copy-paste) a response who's length and detail depend on the details of the executable (your example with the misleading filetype name would probably earn a paragraph). Part of the problem is that the confirmation dialogue has been abusively overused to the point no one ever says "no" unless they got there by accidentally clicking on something.

Comment Re:Never mind the quantity, feel the quality (Score 3, Insightful) 331

I always log on as admin on my home machine. [...] It's more risky, sure, but it's far more comfortable to use.

This, of course, is because of the terrible decision by Microsoft to make everything wonky if you aren't admin, leading everyone and especially their mother to run as admin despite the dangers. This lead to the ironic situation where people with the most access were the least qualified, while highly qualified individuals got lesser access. Windows 7 is somewhat better about that, thank goodness. Conversely, Linux did the reverse by making things wonky when your run as root, so people don't do it unless they have to.

Considering that it takes almost zero time to request privilege escalation on the few occasions that it is needed, and that this would happen simultaneously with things that generally need "are you sure" style prompts, it really isn't that much trouble to say "escalate+yes", rather than just "yes", it is a tiny price to pay for a lot of safety.

Comment Re:Bitcoin credibility? (Score 1) 267

Bitcoin has about as much credibility as Monopoly money in my mind. Asking if something can undermine the credibility of monopoly money doesn't really make any sense.

You must have missed the part where bitcoin sells for hundreds of dollars per bitcoin, and is used to buy and sell real-world stuff, and exchanges buy and sell bitcoins. Maybe you're just jealous because you didn't jump aboard while they were super cheap.

Don't get me wrong -- they are an incredibly dangerous investment since their value could go to nothing in an instant. The same is true of several currencies, but they at least have an entire nation that would get ruined if it they were to devalue their currency. I don't know to what extent the same is true about bitcoin, and it does have the benefit that more can't be arbitrarily printed, so I'm not qualified to comment on their reliability.

Comment It already exists (Score 1) 442

Both of your examples already store energy and turn on and off to modify the stored energy. Why? Your fridge would not enjoy turning the motor on and off several times a minute, or running below a certain speed. Your heater probably also functions in bursts, since it's easier to turn a heating element to full for a short time than allow for it to run at variable power. So, they have thresholds where they'll turn on and off at different temperatures; turn on at one end of the acceptable range, and turn off at the other end.

It would take only a cheap, trivially simple circuit to allow them to function as load balancers to the grid, with negligible loss to performance. And certain industries, like aluminum or electrolysis, could do load balancing on a seasonal scale.

Before you complain about the costs involved with variable power usage, the reason people will do it is because there will be a financial investment. Many areas already allow you to buy power more cheaply depending on demand, so there's already a financial incentive to do this if it is worthwhile.

Finally about those tax breaks: Where's my tax break for living near to a polluting, carcinogenic, ugly, property devaluing coal power plant? Yeah, that's what I thought.

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