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Comment Early Detection Trumps Everything. (Score 3, Insightful) 204

Earliest detection can lead to stopping a problem or getting rid of it with minor treatment or life style changes, so health systems are promoting "wellness" programs involving early detection/monitoring.

If we manage early detection on a large % of the population, we won't need as much "treatment" and "cures."

That would decrease the cost & need for healthcare overall and lead to a healthier population. A lot of companies are working on aspects of this.

Comment Complacent CIOs & CEOs (Score 3, Interesting) 106

Given the dozens and dozens of reported hacks against large orgs over the last 2 year, I can only conclude there is a large disregard for properly addressing security that starts right at the top of the C suite in big companies.

That is at least as troubling for smaller companies, who likely have less resources to deal with security.

Comment Return of the Luddites (Score 1) 479

Trying to eliminate a set of knowledge backed up by proofs that has benefited mankind enormously under the guise of following a particular religion's ideas (not all religions mind you) is beyond just stupidity.

This sort of idea of one group trying to force all others into a false belief system is also what was behing the rise of "Kings" and "devine right" of Kings and tyrants.

Comment Debt Solution: Get "In Demand" Schooling ! (Score 2) 1032

Whether it is Texas A&M, MIT, CalTech or smaller schools like Oregon Inst. of Technology, get a degree where their graduates have high rates of employment within 6 months of graduation.

OIT claims to have 90+ % of graduates with full time jobs within 6 months of graduation. Lots of their graduates have job offers before they leave school.

If a student wants to "dabble" in the soft sciences, like History and Sociology and Psychology, do it at night school after you have a job!

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