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Comment Re: Nothing that money can't buy (Score 4, Interesting) 65

Which 'Hawaiians'? This group most certainly does not represent the majority of Hawaiians, nobody has elected them. They don't even represent the majority of natives, since they are not organized in a simple hierarchical way (unlike continental Native American tribes). I predict that the case will be dismissed for the lack of standing, eventually.

So yeah, these 'prote$ter$' can go and fuck themselves with a genetically modified papaya.

Comment Re:Grand opening! (Score 1) 97

Yes, they retrieve a special page or DNS name to verify that you actually control the domain. In essence, they do a three-way handshake using HTTP web pages instead of TCP packets.

However, once you establish the domain ownership, you don't need these special pages anymore - instead you'll use a self-signed certificate to authenticate to the "Let's Encrypt" servers for all operations (which include certificate revocation). No need for them to poll anything.

As far as I understand, the authentication should last for several months and certificates will be issued for a fairly short period (months to 1 year), so you'll have to periodically re-authenticate yourself to renew your certificates. But again, in this case you personally initiate the exchange - EFF won't simply do polling on their own.

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