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Submission + - Accelerated C# 2005

aztracker1 writes: "C# combines some of the best aspects of C++, Java, and Pascal. "Accelerated C# 2005" is targeted for people coming from other languages and environments into C#. It is well suited for those with heavy experience in Object Oriented Programming, and languages with similar style, such as Java, Obj-C or C++. If you have strong experience with C# version 1, Java, or other C dialects, this is a great choice for diving into C# as a language. If you are experienced with VB.Net, it may be a decent choice for you.

This book covers C# 2.0 (2005), which is the second version of C#. It is divided into 13 Chapters ranging in commonly used areas of the language. It does not cover the Visual Studio 2005 IDE, which makes the use of 2005 in the title somewhat confusing. Chapters 1 through 3 are more introductory in nature, while 4-13 are more in-depth.

Chapter 1: "C# Preview," is a very brief introduction to C#, some of its' history, and the classic "Hello World" example. It also highlights some of the difference between C# and native C++.

Chapter 2: "C# and the CLR," continues where Chapter 1 leaves off, going into some coverage of the Common Language Runtime (CLR) environment, as well as garbage collection.

Chapter 3: "C# Syntax Overview," explains some of the basic syntax and structure of C# as a language, and introduces the two fundamental types in C#. It also covers the use of namespaces. It makes a brief mention to the use of Generics (new to C# 2.0), which is covered in more depth in a later chapter.

Chapter 4: "Classes, Structs, and Objects," introduces you to the object oriented principles for programming in C#. It expands upon the use of reference and value types, and introduces you to the options available in Class and Struct design and how they affect usability.

Chapter 5: "Interfaces and Contracts," details the use and definition of interfaces, and the role they play. Interfaces are a guideline or contract that classes implement, and can be derived from.

Chapter 6: "Overloading Operators," details how you can provide custom functionality by creating differing method signatures for methods and properties. Operator overloading is a C# implementation of polymorphism. It also covers how the use of operator overloading can affect usability in regards to other CLR languages.

Chapter 7: "Exception Handling and Exception Safety," introduces you to the use of exception-handling in the C# language, and within the CLR. It covers the use of try, catch, finally as well as rollback behavior and use of the using statement.

Chapter 8: "Working with Strings," details how the string is a first-class type in C#, as well as how to use strings effectively. There is a lot of information on string formatting options, as well as how to implement CultureInfo for better support of multiple languages and dialects.

Chapter 9: "Arrays, Collection Types, and Iterators," Brings you into the various ways you can use related or grouped information together. It covers the use of Arrays including multidimentional arrays. It shows how you can use the various built in collection types, as well as how iterators work within this structure.

Chapter 10: "Delegates, Anonymous functions and Events," shows the various mechanisms within C# to provide for callbacks, and event handling. With C# 2.0 you gain the ability to use Anonymous functions which are similar to lambda functions in functional programming.

Chapter 11: "Generics," is a more thorough introduction to the use of generics. Generics are one of the most widely touted enhancements to the CLR and C#. Most useful in allowing for a strongly typed use of more generic collections, without the need for custom collection derivatives.

Chapter 12: "Threading in C#," will introduce you to the common tasks used in creating multi-threaded applications in the C# execution environment. There are many differences in use when compared to the Win32 API environment. It covers synchronization, and more advanced use of delegates.

Chapter 13: "In Search of C# Canonical Forms," is an exploration on some of the best design practices for defining new types and how to account for use as a base for consumers, as well as proper planning.

It does cover the bases for the intended audience well and, you will get the information you need when moving to C#. In my own opinion the writing style is a bit dry, and text-book-ish. It is emphatically not a good book for those without a good base of programming knowledge and experience. For what it is, it does well, for anything else, you should probably look elsewhere."

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