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Comment Re:What about range on this smaller car? (Score 1) 247

You can fill your car in 5 minutes and go another 600KM. You can battery swap a Model S in 90 seconds and go another 500KM. Or you can wait 20 minutes and get a supercharge that will get you 250KM for zero cost.

Seems like the electric car not only meets your expectations, but rather exceeds them.

In theory. I mean, there are more than 100,000 gas stations in the United States, compared to how many Tesla supercharging/swapping stations?
Don't get me wrong; I think electric is here to stay and will win out in the long run... but to say it meets or exceeds expectations of convenience is not right.

Comment Re:It's too slow. (Score 1) 254

One thing has to be said for C#, as much as I am a subscriber to the "If C is Play-Doh, and C++ is Lego - C# is Duplo" philosophy, it does allow to get results fast without having to use a ton of libraries that in the end weigh you down more than C# would.

So in other words, C# gets results fast without having to weigh you down more than itself would?

Comment Re:What's wrong with html and javascript? (Score 1) 466

Wow, so it's trying to use [2] as an array index inside @$spi . . .

Is it converting [2] into "REF(ARRAY)" or somesuch, and then converting that to an integer and using that as the index?

My Perl interpreter (5.12) chokes on that code...

$ perl -e 'my $s = [5,6]; my $i = [2]; $s->[$i] = 7'
Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1283427544 at -e line 1.

...but it gives an interesting hit with the negative giant subscript index.

What version of Perl are you using that chews up 30 seconds of CPU time?

Comment Re:What's wrong with html and javascript? (Score 1) 466

Pop quiz. What do you think perl does with "5" + "information". The answer may surprise you. Here's a hint, it actually casts "information" to a number because the first three letters match a defined numerical value.

I did not know that. And I think I just threw up a little in my mouth now.

Comment Re:What's wrong with html and javascript? (Score 1) 466

a==b, b==c, would never presume a==c. It's never true in real-world business, so I'd never want it to be true in business programming.

It's a tautology in mathematics (known as the transitive property of equality) and it should be a tautology in any programming language. If a language gets this wrong, that's a major flaw in the language's design. (Which is not to say that the language isn't still useful. It's just confusing as hell is all.)

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