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Comment Re:Surprise? (Score 1) 579

Do you really expect Betty from accounting to move her screen to another user's system? Jeez, I've been working with computers since the ZX Spectrum, I've used every OS flavor there is but for my desktop machines I still greatly prefer Windows over anything else. Other OSes are either unfriendly, cumbersome or missing lots of features. Why do you feel such a need to push the horror of user-friendliness that is Linux upon regular users? It will save you a penny in the short run but will cost you a boatload of money in lost productivity.

Comment Re:Cinavia? (Score 1) 112

Why, it seems you are implying that the presence of a BluRay player would mandate the use of Cinavia in all local media content playback. I really doubt that, since that would mean they're not doing a very good job protecting their license terms. The xbone is just a pc, so If the average pc can do it, the xbone can too.
Besides, we're talking Microsoft here, not Sony. They will just fork a random recent Media Player branch, which will be hard enough to maintain without the Cinavia protection scheme present. They don't care whatever you watch as long as you buy their machine and an XBL subscription.

Comment Re:Java ME vs. Dalvik (Score 1) 112

I wonder, given how Oracle abused its licensing position in Blu-Ray, if the next playback format will come with even stricter licenses. In whose interest is this exactly? (except Oracle's ofcourse) Time for consumer groups to lobby for banning such restricted products. You want to sell playback devices? Then they must be open.

Comment Re:You have to understand (Score 1, Interesting) 359

> There's enough bad history with westerners fucking around with Africa
You mean, like greatly extending the life expectancy of Africans and providing education regarding prevention and hygiene? Really, these Western people you speak of must be some wicked tribe! To be honest, sometimes I think that this has lead directly to the massive overpopulation we see nowadays. Should we have let Darwin in charge?

Comment Re:Well at least they saved the children! (Score 1) 790

Except, at a large tech company such as Google, there are systems and procedures in place to prevent such tampering. You would have to hack yourself through the whole logging chain, which is virtually impossible. As an occasional server admin you may be able to completely erase your tracks on a single system, but when you're dealing with large cloud systems, you're going to have a hard time. I doubt even Google itself could do it without a trace.

Comment Re:Er, that's a bit confusing (Score 1) 166

Where did I claim that homeless person are 'lower beings'? Please speak for your self and refrain from that dick-headed prejudice.
You have to look at it from a purely biological standpoint. Completely different living and sleeping habits, food intake, body temperature control, and continuous exposure to the outside all result in different metabolism from the general population. That alone will not produce correct results when testing drugs targeted to the general population. Besides, having test subjects who are hardened by living on the streets means, that you have no idea whether you can attribute any of the observed side effects to the drug being tested. e.g. is the subject scratching himself because the medicine makes him feel itchy, or is it a rash from bad hygiene and low vitamin intake?
Is that so difficult to understand?

Comment Re:Answer: Both (Score 2) 126

Windows XP was officially supported for over 12 years after release. Apple usually supports its hardware until up to 4 years after release. Android support is usually only offered *before* release date and a few months after.

Comment Millions of conventional TVs vulnerable too (Score 1) 155

"Researchers from Dickweed University's Network Security Lab discovered a flaw affecting nearly every TV on the planet. The flaw allows a radio-frequency attacker with a low budget to take control over tens of thousands of TVs in a single attack, forcing the TVs to turn on or off, or switch channels. The attack works by equipping a drone with a powerful universal remote, sending commands to all TVs in a broad range." It's even scarier like this!

Comment Re:Drugs can be bad mmkay! (Score 4, Insightful) 164

Shulgin's work had nothing to do with weed, addictive drugs or getting a body high.
He invented and classified an entire new spectrum of chemicals closely related to the brain's chemicals such as serotonine. He tried to synthesize every possible combination, moving the amino groups around, substituting existing compounds with allyl or methoxy groups, and experimented with all these chemicals on himself with precise procedures to ensure his safety. These chemicals have proven to be extremely powerful consciousness-altering drugs, active at just a few milligrams, producing profound mind-bending effects and providing an unparalleled insight in the inner workings of the mind and its chemical balance.
He has provided the public with detailed descriptions of these chemicals, both synthesis and their subjective effects. He never profited financially and risked his life and freedom many times just to chase this knowledge. (And have great sex, as he states in his books). Alexander Shulgin was a genius, and the way society is developing there will probably never be a man like him again.

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