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Comment Re:Oh For Crying Out Loud (Score 2) 161

This is easily possible, but realize who you're talking about - this is Google (G), and G makes its money by scanning your plaintext email and building profiles about you to sell ads and marketing metrics. If gmail goes PGP, then G loses the ability to scan that plaintext email, unless it's doing so via a client side process to send the information its interested in prior to encryption, also possible, but kind of defeats the purpose of encryption in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if GTalk goes away soon, because more people are starting to use OTR supported clients. G only sees encrypted messages, pretty useless for gathering data.

Comment Re: Easy Solution (Score 1) 222

Companies are more important than individuals. They generate more tax revenue than any single citizen. The government will side with business over any two-bit shit costumer any day of the week, and with good reason.

Um, there's no good reason you've listed there. Protecting income is not what the government should be about at all, and is a good reason to ditch it.

Comment Re:noatime,nodiratime (Score 1) 204

Hands down, Apple's HFS system should be replaced with something better, one of the more modern FS's out of Linux/BSD land would be perfect. However, I should mention you can plug other fs's into OSX today, and I've been considering ZFS for a while now, just haven't had the time to plug it in and test it.

Comment Re:noatime,nodiratime (Score 1) 204

They theoretically hit it, I can tell you real world speeds are significantly lower, even for heavy I/O tasks. The Samsung 840s run about 120 MB/s, the 850s are supposed to better than double that, and in RAID0, I should hit a consistent 400MB/s minimum. As soon as I have the time, I'll plug them in and see.

Comment Re:noatime,nodiratime (Score 1) 204

Well, I'm not sure the disk performance crown resides with Linux anymore, unless you're running full bore PCIe X4 at a minimum, however you manage to get there, on a single drive. I'm 100% positive that Linux takes the crown in other configurations, but that won't be on a laptop you can quickly take with you, unless I missed a product announcement recently.

Comment Re:As a recent buyer of a mid-2014 MBP (Score 1) 204

But but but... USB 3.0 is the snizzle! Or so everyone says.

I personally think USB should be retired to the same place as IDE, RLL, ATA and all those other bad idea shared bus solutions. The only ones that worked well, IMNSHO, are SCSI type solutions, including SATA, which can now be overwhelmed by a couple of top end SSDs running in RAID0.

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