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Comment Re:All Linux distros will look like this (Score 1) 553

Yes, and they have all the reasons to want that. Linux desktop is not coming until linux can undergo planned obsolescence like the other main OSes do (Android included, look at any 3 years old smartphone to see apps that joe user can't uninstall becoming bigger and the phone getting slower)

But I miss the reason why *any distro* should go that way. You don't integrate systemd in a distro, systemd is the distro.

Comment Re:On the flip side (Score 1) 69

Art is not about creation but filtering. The artists filters out what's uninteresting and keeps what is interesting (to the artist, absolutely speaking most art is rehashed crap).

But I strongly disagree with the notion that the human can't create.

Sure you don't know how to make a single particle come out of nothing (yes I know about the experiments but 1. they used energy, 2, the most fundamental: they could be made because of the laws of nature, an improper term for "the behavior of matter that we model with laws", and the concepts of matter and void. Well guess what, those concepts were there before us).

But, you can play with abstractions. Imagine a tic tac toe game. Play it in your mind or use pen and paper. The game does not belong to the universe. The mind, the pen, the paper do, but they are not the game. The game is about the meaning of what you wrote, you created it, you own it.

About the absence of free will, pls. A relatively simple computer designed to be predictable does all sorts of stuff by means of a simple race condition. The concept of free will vs predetermined will in the context of a billion processor evolutionarily programmed analog computer called the brain is a matter of grey shades. And all of this even if the universe were deterministic and without concepts like the soul.

Comment web2py (Score 2) 264

Try web2py. It's a web development framework with python server side, has *terrific* documentation (if you are not a total noob), it's easy to deploy locally, it's DB agnostic, it has features for RAD-like development (the server has an IDE and an app manager, you can strip the source and ship bytecode only) and it's very customizable.

The killer feature? compatibility with apps developed with the older versions is a design goal. So once you have your app, you don't have to worry much about maintaining it or upgrading to newer versions.

Cons? Python is not as easy as php to deploy on web hosting companies, and you need to tweak the configuration for heavy traffic sites, and python3 will need web2py to fork a specialised version. None of these are showstoppers for your use case.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 2) 331

in fact the tahoe lafs idea (erasure coding, you need e.g. any 3 chunks of the 6 floating around to reconstruct your file) is better suited because you are not hosting the whole document, and you can't even brute force decrypt a single chunk to obtain a part of the document either

Comment Re:islam (Score 1) 1350

All consecration is standalone? or where does it originate from? Holy spirit, which is one with the Father and the "I am the way" Son.
As for the eternal value of the consecration, it's likely that some baptized guy does not receive salvation, no matter how high you value that consecration.

Comment Re:Christianity doesn't follow many old testament (Score 1) 1350

The OT poses a problem only if you insist that a father that educated a toddler shouting NO! should keep educating a grownup by doing exactly the same. Or if you insist that books written about the hypothetical WHO beyond creation should spend time detailing HOW things got formed, possibly matching the way scientists describe the universe from the inside of it (which currently can't explain 95% of stuff without introducing dark matter/energy, multiverse, bubbles where anomalies are occurring...)

For some of believers, these are not problems, the books describe a relationship man/hypothetical God. Maybe you wanted the Sutra instead?

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