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Comment Re:Life form? (Score 1) 391

In other words, life is chaos x time in the context of some rules.
As an oversimplified example, fill a conway's game of life world with noise and let it go for a while.

What aquires, for whatever reasons, characteristics that make it easy for it to persist, eventually persists.

I still prefer the genesis definition grow, multiply, populate (adapt for you dawinian newfags).

Comment Re:Land of the free (Score 3, Interesting) 580

You don't do that, you pick the useful idiots, provoke them a bit and then treat them as dangerous.And even if they are dangerous who are they gonna go after? Hackers have all the info on sony execs, but who really owns it? Who really dictate its policies? PHBs make insane amount of money not because they are worth them, they do because they follow the rules of the system.

Comment Re:Not really missing vinyl (Score 1, Troll) 433

The difference in the steps, AKA quantization noise, is minimal since smoothing is applied. But the DA conversion vs. the groove picked up magnetically is possibly the culprit, together with different compression, while noise and different EQ response are less significant factors (simply adding some vinyl noise and EQ profile to digital does not make it sound like vinyl).
Possibly, the less linear analog chain is somehow more pleasing for the ear.

Then there is the issue of stereo encoding on the single groove, which limits the source material in ways which might actually be good for listening (impossible to have big phase differences in the bass range or the record skips).

I would still not classify vinyl as better than digital, it's just different.
Hipsters should anyway concentrate on more esoteric stuff, like hi end analog tape, or analog satellite HD transmissions (still unrivalled IMHO)

Comment Re:You are not in control (Score 0) 113

The selfish gene is an interpretation. "Life as a single process" is another interpretation that returns the same result ("tougher times, let's breed more females to increase potential yield and variation, the few males will sure be able to bang more than one"). And in both case contraception and males turning down free rides with no string attached for philosophical reasons ("Bros before hoes") prove that the selfish gene or the single process life is in control of the organism no more than the citizen is in control in a modern democracy: very little.
You are in control, whatever "you" means, deal with it.

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