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Comment Re:Doesn't this violate TOS? (Score 1) 184

I have a cunning plan, my lord.
  - The guest doesn't get open internet access.
  - The wifi provider opens up a secure tunnel with a server designated, or owned by the guest. The ISP is foiled.
  - The guest connect to it and sets up a secure tunnel itself, through which he accesses the internet. The wifi provider is foiled as it cannot snoop on it and cannot be considered responsible by what the guest does, morally. Legally it's another matter, but then, the law is immoral. Also if the guest misbehaves the investigators will find the server designated/owned by the guest first, which is probably the right place to investigate if you want to find the real source.

Comment Re:Uh-huh... (Score 0) 127

> CMB is based on data that can't be explained any other *reasonable* way
There are no parameters for defining reasonable or unreasonable things in a universe, if you happen to exist in the same universe, because you have no way to discover all the rules from the inside of it. I posit you have no way to discover any of the rules from the inside of it.

Science does not explain, science models.
Because for every chain of reasons that science can come up with, "the last element is "because it is that way".

Comment Re:Progenitors? (Score 1) 686

You left out some other possibilities. Sufficiently advanced civilizations might travel by hacking the spacetime, or by out of body experiences. So we might be observed without alien spacecrafts hovering over our heads.
And the observers might indeed be quite bored.

Comment Re:Feature or bug? (Score 1) 89

In the alternate universe where nokia execs say "Fuck you, disseminate the key" we have nokia with a hacker friendly smartphone platform OR an instantly obsoleted platform thanks to evil hackers. I guess they would be better off than this nokia.
"Being broken" was the business model of microsoft windows and they became number one with it.

Comment Re:So there's 100 or so unimmunized? (Score 1) 387

Because organisms that reproduce rapidly also tend to mutate rapidly (more opportunity per time unit, more unstable DNA) and just because there's no evolutionary need doesn't prevent random mutations from occurring.

It prevents random mutations from having advantages, though. In unvaccinated hosts the mutants compete for needed resources with all their peers, while they have an advantage in vaccinated people. To become prevalent they may need two stages, one of generation and one of selection. As you say below:

It sounds like these new mutations (which all microorganisms undergo regularly) are opportunistically using the unvaccinated as their proving ground.

And the vaccinated as their selectors, possibly. But I repeat, serious, in depth studies are the only possible answer.

Comment Re:So there's 100 or so unimmunized? (Score 2) 387

I don't see why the illness should mutate more where it encounters less resistance, that is in the not immunized hosts.
But OK, somebody will sure have studies on this, and hopefully they have been independently confirmed.

Still it is the opposite phenomenon of what happens in hospitals: pathogens that manage to survive there become way difficult to remove. I also wonder what Darwin would have thought of less selective pressure leading to more mutations.

Comment Re:Don't worry! (Score 1) 124

Being part of an 'enhanced' human/robot hybrid will be way more fun

Yes, very fun. Just multiply all the fun you have managing your pc, smart tv, cellphone, by 1000.

"Oops! it appears your credit is insufficient to purchase your monthly subscription to ExoHand Manager 2045. All movement is inhibited for safety reasons except swiping until the situation is corrected. Have a nice day!"

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