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Comment Re:Rotated (Score 1) 330

You're probably not old enough, but there used to be something called the 80 column mind. This was something that affected programmers who had learned how to use computers back in the days when the punched card was king, and were still writing programs that expected all input and output to fit into that medium's 80 character restrictions. I worked for JPL for a few years in the mid-80's, and even then many of their newer programs used what were called "cardimages:" computer records that were designed to mimic a punched card either because they received input from a program that was a legacy from the old punched card days or who's output would be fed to one. And, of course, sometimes both were that way. I'm sure that they've moved past that by now, for the most part, but I know that their main space probe navigation system was written with cardimages in mind and I doubt that they've ever gone to the expense of having something that works so well re-written.

Comment Re:Global warming is bunk anyway. (Score 1) 367

Yes, there has been rapid heating over the last 150 years, as the Earth recovered from the effects of The Little Ice Age. Nothing particularly unusual or exiting about it, because the one thing that's known for sure about the Earth's climate is that it's always changing.

Comment Re:Sounds like bullshit to me (Score 1) 323

My understanding is that what's stockpiled is raw cocoa beans, still in the shell. As long as you keep it dry and away from insects, it's about as perishable as wheat, which is to say, not very. You can keep it for several years before you have to worry about it deteriorating, so that when there's a good year, you can stock up the excess to sell later. Now, the demand is up and production is down, so we're using it up faster than we're replacing it.

Comment Re:Mechanical computers are awesome (Score 3, Interesting) 81

Back when I was in the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club in '72, our ship carried a 5"/54 gun, which was aimed using a mechanical analog computer. I know that the Iowa Class Battleships all used mechanical fire control both because it was more than accurate enough for the job and because it was specifically designed to ignore the shocks caused by firing the main battery, as well as the bigger shocks caused by incoming shells, bombs and torpedoes.

Comment Re:Yet I'm The Racist (Score 1) 438

I get my medical care from the VA and am very happy with it. My current Primary Caregiver got his medical education at a university in Egypt, and I'm perfectly satisfied with his abilities. Among other things, I like the fact that when he didn't like the way my Type II diabetes was reacting to my current medications, he referred me to Endocrinology because he knew his limits and didn't find anything wrong with asking for help when he needed it. I'd much rather put my health in his hands than in somebody who went to a more "western" medical school who wasn't willing to admit that he didn't know everything.

Comment Re:Exams are bullshit (Score 3, Insightful) 438

Exams generally try to determine how you have memorized some subject, not how you can adapt what you've learned.

Really? Let's say that you're taking the final exam for a course in Trig that consists in nothing but solving problems (and showing your work) that aren't in the text book. If all you've done is memorize the material but haven't learned how to use it, how are you going to pass the test?

Comment Re:Exxon Valdez (Score 1) 102

Excuse me? I served in Tonkin Gulf back in '72, and there wasn't any trouble finding the horizon during the night, as long as we weren't steaming back and forth through a fog bank. Of course, part of it was obscured because we were in sight of land, but there was generally enough to see that celestial navigation wasn't a problem.

And, before you ask, I wasn't involved in navigation, but one of my best friends at the time was.

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