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Comment Wait for 8.01? (Score 0) 504

I try to stay away from .0 releases, opting to wait a few weeks to see how it pans out. Other than Dos 6.0, I've held off on .0 releases on phones. My old Note1, never had an "official" kit kat release, and I left it at 4.1.2 from April '13 until I retired it in July of this year. I'm sure the same thing with 8.0 is that after it's been in the wild a while, Apple will release a dot one release to clear some early problems and a dot two release to make it a bit snappier. I'm FAR from an apple fanboy, other than a VM of Mac on my laptop, I don't own anything from Apple, but early adopters usually pay the price, for being an early adopter.

Comment meaningful tax reform (Score 0) 324

Not sure how it works in other countries, but if you REALLY want a true tax reform, in the USA, outlaw the FICA taxes. Give everyone their paycheck, and FORCE them to give it to the government each month. Once they find out 1/3 or more of their paycheck goes to the government, they would be standing outside of DC with pitchforks and torches. Always bugs me when I hear someone say how much they earn by saying my "take home pay" is xxxxxx. No, your SALARY is MORE, but the government STEALS a set amount. And, with more and more people on the government take, they will have to confinscate more and more from the producers, to give to the takers to ensure they are elected again and again. Socialism in the USA will end, when those elected, run out of other peoples money to spend!

Comment M-O-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N (Score 0) 291

Funny that little word moderation always seems to pop up from time to time. Genetics, being a deciding factor in health, along with weight, you can pretty much eat anything you want, IN MODERATION, and it not cause an issue. When you see these telletubies running around on the scooters in the stores, with 3 & 4 folds of flab hanging off their bodies, a clear tube of oxygen shoved up their nose and they are in the cookie, cake & salty items section of a grocery store, it's not hard to figure out why they have health issues.

Comment Radio Shack and Heathkit (Score 0) 115

When I was a kid growing up in the 60's 70's, you could get a heathkit or radio shack P-box kit for not much money to play & learn electronics, but today, I don't know where you go, maybe do some searching on Amazon, ebay and the like. See if you can find an amateur radio operator nearby, GOOD source of information about such things.

Comment Professor Protron (Score 0) 226

I never even watched the series, until about 2 years ago, then bought the complete collection and one winter weekend just marathon watched them all to get caught up. How they found writers to come up with perfect matches for these guys was simple brilliance. Especially how they found Sheldon's. And, having the episodes involving Bob Newhart were very funny. I hope they bring back his "Obi-Wan" character in later episodes. With "Penny" in real live wanting a child, working a pregnant Penny into the story line should prove entertaining. Can't you see, say 3-4 months after a child comes into play, leaving the child for Sheldon to babysit, for their first night out since the baby? Heck, you could write the entire story line around it.

Comment He who owns the keys, owns the castle (Score 0) 181

Same with the overpriced "contract" plans for wireless phones (at least in the USA, not familiar with anywhere else). They show a retail price at the store, for the phone, then the "bargain" 299 price...of course with a 2 year contract. Then, that plan that you need, minus all the stupid taxes, runs over 100 dollars, and then by the time you add the taxes, it's around 140 dollars per month, x 24 months and you end up paying way more than if you bought the phone, full retail, online somewhere like Amazon, e-bay, swappa and went with an MVNO on a month to month plan. Heck, I did that two years ago and save over 80 bucks a month than being on contract. When phones got popular, they overcharged for minutes, then, they dropped that to "unlimited" minutes, but do to the popularity of texting, they overcharge for texting, even though it DOESN'T COST THE CARRIER ANYTHING because the texting is piggybacked on the carrier signal. Now, they overcharge for data. With only 2 "big" carriers and a couple smaller ones, t-mobile, sprint...they pretty much can get away with anything they want. It's taken 30 years after the breakup of "Ma-Bell" for the mother ship to put itself back together, perhaps it needs to be spanked again, but, with the amount of money the carriers throw at the political idiots in DC, don't look for it to change anytime soon, sadly.

Comment my mother quit when she was pregnant (Score 1) 155

I was born in the 1950's, LONG before the surgeon general came out saying smoking was bad for you. Heck, the commercials of that era, had doctors advertising cigarettes! When my mother became pregnant with me, she was 25. When "the rabbit died" she quit until after I stopped nursing. Same thing for my younger sister 2 years later. Both of my parents quit for good in the early 70's after repeated nagging from myself, my younger sister & my older sister. Both are alive & well in their 80's now. Even before the facts were really known about smoking, a lot of my parents friends wives quit smoking when they were pregnant. I see pregnant women today smoking and just shake my head. Oh well, it's a free country...even if you aren't quite so smart.

Comment EXACTLY! (Score 0) 230

Unfortunately, in the land of liberals & socialist, individualism has been lost. Now, it's about the collective. Except of course, for the elitist in our society. THEY continue on as before, but tell everyone else how to live, what to eat, where to work, how to think. Life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. If you don't want to pursue it, then don't ask me for a handout, when you are in your 30's, broke, homeless, hungry. I worked my butt off when I was in my teens & 20's, all the while, some of my friends in the backwards small town I lived in, did nothing but drink, party & have fun. Last time I went back there, some, NOW in their 50's are still doing the same f'in thing, with no ambition, nothing to show for life, except a stack full of bills, and living on government assistance. In other words, they are LAZY! And they want ME, to "give" them free food, free housing, free healthcare. THAT my friends is why collectivism, and socialism DOES NOT and will NEVER work! Hell, even the original settlers in America figured it out! They started out as a collective, and almost killed off the colony because some worked and some didn't, but those that worked their butts off, didn't like the idea of giving the fruits of their labor, to the lazy asses that did nothing. Once they gave everyone a small piece of land, and said what is yours is yours, and the fruits of your labor belong to you and no one else, and if you want to sell your excess, you may. This inspired people who wanted to better their family, and the community as a whole. Just going to college, getting a lame ass 4 year liberal arts degree, isn't going to cut it, IF your degree is in something not useful to the country as a whole. Getting a degree in underwater basketweaving, or some other lame ass thing, won't do anyone any good, if there is ZERO demand for that degree. And, the other problem with so called higher education, is with "big college". You hear those on the left complaining about big oil, big pharm etc, but no one says anything about "big college". What is meant by that term? How about university professors, university presidents, and some coaches, making upwards of 6 or 7 figures? Results then should be we are graduating the best and brightest. LOL, NOT happening. We have some college educated people that come out of college, dumber than they went in! Public education, today, thanks to political correctness, and the 60's radicals, that are in charge of everything, is nothing more than re-education camps, to get children use to the idea that government is good, and people, conservatism, God is bad. By the time they have been molded by years of socialist teachings, politically correct, history revisionism, when they graduate, they are "socialist". My nephew, almost 40, started out that way. When he got out of college, he though government was the end-all answer to everything. Only when he got out in the working world, having lived off his parents from birth though college, did he finally get it. His first job out of college, paid xxxx dollars per month. He thought he had it made in the shade, until that first paycheck came, and he found that his paycheck, thanks to all the taxes & withholdings, was about 30% less than he expected. Along with becoming born again, he changed and is now a true conservative (not to be confused with the RINO republicans), believes it is up to each of us, on our own or with our family, to make it in this world. The other problem, in my opinion, is the total lack of respect, that people in society have for their fellow human being. We see it constantly, someone down and out, getting beat up, mugged, on the street and does anyone come to this persons aid? Nope, we just whip out our phones to record it all. What happened? Why have are we a broken society? The absence of religion in everyday public life. The government, has pretty much stripped out any reference to religion, in society, starting with education. The so called "establishment clause" says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". This is the ONLY thing anti-religion types on the left, will spout out. The problem comes from the 2nd part of that phrase, "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". It's freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. By removing religion from everyday life, by breaking up the "nuclear family" by telling women, you don't need a man in your life, we have broken, what has worked for centuries. Now, children don't know who their father is, have no basis for right & wrong, and you end up with children having children, running around killing each other thinking it is no big deal. The lack of values & morality, are a direct result, of the breakup of the family. Until we get back to that, it will only get worse!

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