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Comment Re:"Surge Pricing" (Score 3, Insightful) 96

Many stores will simply close altogether; it's not worth staying open in an emergency subject to price fixing laws if they can just sell at the same price after the emergency is over anyway.

Sure it is, because the stock will sell far faster - assuming it's the kind of store that sells practical items.

Given that they would be open when the emergency is over anyway. All that period of high sales would be wasted opportunity.

And that's just from the purely selfish capitalist angle. Mostly shops are run by decent human beings so will strive to be open in times of need anyway because they don't want to cause even more suffering.

Comment Re:Misinformed (Score 1) 138

**Colligan laughed off the idea that any company â" including the wildly popular Apple Computer â" could easily win customers in the finicky smart-phone sector.

âoeWeâ(TM)ve learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,â he said. âoePC guys are not going to just figure this out. Theyâ(TM)re not going to just walk in."**
Ed Colligan - Palm CEO - 2006.

Comment Re:Who wears a watch these days (Score 5, Insightful) 290

8. pour water in cup.
9. pour in the tiniest drop of milk
10. extract tea bag.

You're not an Englishman, you're an animal.

Those steps should read:
pour water in cup.
wait for 4 minutes.
extract tea bag.
add milk.

Only an animal lets the milk and the teabag meet. And an Englishman lets the tea brew. What you have there is slightly milky water with a bit of brown dye in it.

Comment Re:Easy grammar (Score 1) 626

Right. So why didn't we stop with Fortran and COBOL when it comes to computer languages? Because there are new uses for languages, and new ideas for how to do them better and for some people it's fun.

After more than 100 years, I think we could do a lot with a new human language that wasn't done in Esperanto. We know more than we did then, and computers can help us to analyse and optimise.

e.g. What are the common phonemes in existing languages. How frequent are words? Use short easy to say words for common uses, and longer more difficult words for less frequent uses. etc.

Comment Re:Bring on the discussion of fair sentencing... (Score 1) 230

They really did mean well practiced much as a clock of the time would be called 'well regulated' if it kept accurate time.

Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean â" neither more nor less.'

Well regulated does not mean "like a clock", as if "like a clock" would mean anything at all in terms of a militia. Well regulated means regulations and regulators. Just like any army, full or part time, amateur or professional.

Libertarians hate what the constitution actually says. They make up their own nonsense interpretations.

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