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Journal Journal: Put up or shut up? 4

SCO still has 30 days to wriggle. Are investors ready to sell out soon? Will the share prize plummet just after the opening "booster buying" is over?


Journal Journal: Bowling for truth?

I've been advertising www.bowlingfortruth.com as my "Homepage" on slashdot for a while.
Just to make it clear: I'm not Richard Bushnell. Many of the people who put down Slashdot.org as their homepage aren't CmdrTaco either, so I shouldn't have to say this.

Why did I make bowlingfortruth my homepage?

Well, I've been reading de-bunkings of Bowling for Columbine for a while, but Richard has broken them down and presented them in chronological order. A scene you wonder about? Just pick it out of the list and see if your suspicions were right.
Sure, Richard has political opinions of his own, but that doesn't automatically invalidate what he says, now does it?
I haven't seen Bowling for Columbine yet, although screeners [not screeners, review copies -edit] are available in the file sharing networks. Why? It may not be illegal for me to download, but it sure is illegal to "share" copyrighted works in that way. Also, I've read so much about the movie that I won't bother watching it alone. I could maybe watch it with some friends and freeze-frame it at the appropriate moments and point out the tricks.
And I won't pay for it either. It's an interessting consequence of copyright law: If you make an "inflamatory" work, people have to pay you before they can argue against you. And then you may have to pay them to read their arguments.
Maybe I should make a book about what is wrong with Slashdot, and sell it at these discount prices :-)

Did anybody spot the tricks in the movie on their own?

United States

Journal Journal: California Recall Temptation Survivor 1

Last week on California Recall Temptation Survivor: Gray
[personal item: deficit]
was voted off after a dramatic vote.
[Blurred, distant shot of Gray sneaking firewood away from storage.]
"Yeah, I thought I was doing a good job. I think the other contestants must have formed some kind of alliance to vote me off.
[Shot of Gray saying goodbye to the rest of the contestants.]
Although I'm looking forward to seeing my family again, I'm rather dissapointed. It was kind of a ... bummer."
[Short shot of Gray walking off the island, backpack bursting with firewood.]

This week:
[Shot of Arnold managing firewood collection.]
Arnold is the "chief" for this week. With firewood supplies running low, will he be able to solve the situation without becomming unpopular?
[Shot of Maria and Arnold having a discussion, probably about trivialities, but made dramatic with zoom effects and music.]
Will the "tempstresses" be able to wake the groper in Arnold?
[Shot of 60-something women, slightly overweight, in t-shirts.]
Who will be voted off this week? See it all in tonight's episode of "California Recall Temptation Survivor".
[Run titles. Commercial break.]


Journal Journal: First Posts Hall of Excellence for May 2003 4

In a style similar to the User-moderated story queue, this is the place to add your First Posts.

Usage guide:

  1. Save the URL to this journal entry in your "Favourites" menu, or your link store of choice.
  2. If you happen to read a slashdot story before anybody has posted a comment, visit the URL that you saved in step 1.
  3. Locate the journal entry "First Posts Hall of Excellence for mmm yyyy", where mmm is the month and yyyy is the year. Add your "First Post" as a comment to that journal entry. You may also include a link to the unspoiled story.

If you can't locate the "First posts" journal entry for the month, you'll just have to wait for it to go online.

By reading this journal entry, you have been bound by contract to submit "First Posts" only to the First Post Hall of Excellence. Submitting any First Post among regular comments to a story, is a violation of the DMCA, because this encrypted, human brain interpreted, code has been designed to stop you: "Don't do it, 1337 h4X0rz not even." Besides, "First Posts" are to good to mingle with the Informative, Insightful, Funny and Underrated trash.

The contract also applies to those that haven't read this journal.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Grr. Argh.

Somebody called me a "cunt" in a previous discussion. I wanted to add a link to this. But now it's archived. No comments. Argh.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Overrated? Say what, now?

This comment of mine was moderated "Overrated". What? The moderator must have had problems clicking on "Offtopic". How can a registered user post, with score 1 be overrated. Perhaps he meant to suggest that I should have posted as Anonymous Coward?
And lose all those "Funny" moderations?
Overweight probability!


Journal Journal: Just a few foes added

If you are on my foes list, you might have written something I don't like, or you migh be linking to THAT domain name (with manipulated, sick photos). I have a sense of humor, but I think it is my duty to fight all this "Whazzup!", "AYBABTU", and whatever else nonsense that is popular. Except if I like it of course.
If you feel you have been added to my foes list unfairly, be happy that I might review it from time to time to remove people from it. No need to grovel about it. Comments are disabled.
The scrap heap has spoken! Mjaa!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Thus begins the book of G'Quon

Who is GQuon? Well, it was supposed to be "G'Quon", not "GQuon", but when I typed it on the Apple iMac keyboard, "'" became "". D'oh!

Oh well.

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