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Comment 35K CDN would be awesome (Score 1) 393

Atm I drive to and from work 100-150KM depending if I have to pick up stuff for my shop. I pay $265 for my Yaris and I give myself $300 in gas which is paid by the shop. At this rate I'd just sell the Yaris, put the money into the Tesla and have work use the gas money towards the Tesla and the payments I'm already making on the Yaris. No more fill ups and save $0.15/L+ in gas tax untill the gov surcharges me for the use of a electric vehicles. There's the cost of electricity but that should be no where near what gas is.

Comment Re:Not likely. (Score 1) 182

Haven't you seen the Lysol commercial promoting cleanliness in schools? and Two days ago there was another one can't remember what it was about kids learning about some commercial product in class room.

Seems to be the new cool corporate thing to attach a corporate name into kids heads early from the start.

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 29

No, as per TFS it bears load at the joints, where it's going to put more strain is on the skeletal system.

Which is just as bad, it dosn't take much to herniate a disk and fall over in immobilizing pain. What about hernias, buddy of mine just went through a nasty hernia from lifting weights in the gym

Comment Who the fuck (Score 1) 222

are these people who can't wait to fork over a 1/2-1/4 months wage every time a new phone comes out? Seriously wtf is wrong with them? Yah in high skool it was cool to be the first to have that Ice T/BDP/NWA tape or the first to have a new Nintendo/Sega game but those cost a pittance compared to a phone. At least with those you could listen and play with your friends, the phone is just a recluse device meant to keep people apart.

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