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Comment Re:I sincerely hope she's incorrect (Score 1) 65

Well, let me not be confused with one of #OccupyResoluteDesk's throne sniffers.
But using a tragedy like that in a prophetic mode is tasteless. As tasteless as the idiotic Indiana protests designed to distract from Her Majesty's email fiasco, and SecState Kerry's rodeo-clownery. Or the whip cracking on Menendez's back to keep those Democrat Senators on the plantation.
Were there less at stake, maybe some of this buffoonery would be amusing.

Comment Re:The lack of debate (Score 1) 52

Mind you, the Matt 4:9 has little relevance here. The Devil wasn't robbing banks. There is no coercion here. Jesus was free to walk away from the Devil's deals (and he did). What was happening was simply free market capitalism doing its work.

Couldn't agree with you less. It's the same human soul, tempter, and temptations.

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