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Comment wanxiang is getting upset (Score 1) 196

China bought A123 several years ago and have really not done much with it.
Apple by bringing over top ppl will hopefully make things go right. As it is, with Tesla building 2 gigafactories in America, Apple might be willing to have tesla build a couple for them, using their own technology.

Regardless, hopefully, this will use Tesla's charging system and skip the other BS ones.

Comment mosquito and retro-virus are important to .... (Score 1) 193

evolution. So many think that evolution occurred through random changes in our base pairs. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Basically, retro-virus can cross many species, phylums, and even kingdoms. These days we only know the actively nasty ones. But, there are plenty of retro-virus that simply carry genes which mosquitos carry around.

So, when I see Gates saying that he wants to kill off hurricanes or entire mosquito species, I have to wonder what the long term ramnifications are. Hurricanes bring loads of nutrients up from the depths that feed all sorts of life. And it is very likely that by gates killing off 1 mosquito species, he will slow down evolution, esp. human evolution. That means that we can not adapt easily to changes.

Comment Re:And they'll check their own backyard too ? (Score 1) 42

I always laugh when idiots trot out data that is 5-10 years old.
Here is Europe's 2013 numbers on each nation's output.
In fig 2.3, you can see that America's total output in 2012 is about 25% above Europe's and that both of ours are headed in the right direction, which is shrinking.
OTOH, China's is massively moving upwards and continues that growth.

And to take it a step further, look at figure 2.5. That is CO2 / GDP (PPP). Sadly, they do not have one with REAL $GDP, which is a far better measurement. But, regardless, you notice that:
1) EU27 went from about 425 to 300. Not bad. And in real USD GDP (not PPP), they are excellent
2) US went from over 600 to around 375. That is excellent considering that PPP is based on USD.
3) China 1800 down to 900. Excellent drop, except that it was done by money manipulation, not be efficiency. In real $ GDP (not PPP), China actually went UP, not down.

All in all, America is in the right place, while nations like China are total disasters.

Comment Re:US Interfering in Internal Affairs (Score 1) 42

good grief.
Look, just because the work goes overseas does NOT mean that the other nation must pollute. It is up to them on how to do things.
India manipulates their money against the dollar and runs it up. They tried moving it to a point where it would be free to move, and software companies threatened to leave because it would be too expensive.
Now, you will note that India did all this by manipulating their money in the first place, and then when they try to back out, the companies will leave.
So, who do you blame? The companies, the employees, or the Indian gov?

Likewise, with China, they not only manipulate, but they also picked coal for their power. Sure they claim that they will pour money into AE, but all it went into was businesses so that they could pump/dump on the west and destroy our industries. IOW, very little went into changing how CHina gets their electricity. In fact, China's % of electricity from coal went from 60% back in the 80s to more than 80% today, and it is still growing.
Now, who is to blame for that? Did businesses choose that? Nope. Chinese gov. did.

The reason why America, in fact the world, is in such chaos, is because of ppl like you. You want to blame America for everything while ignoring real facts. Hell, you scream about CO2 emissions (which you should), but America is less than 15% of total emissions, with the entire west being less than 33%, and China is over 33% all by themselves. And that is just what is reported. When OCO2 comes out with REAL numbers, CHina's % will be found to be over 40% of the world's emissions.
And yet, you will scream about America while pushing to ignore all of the growth.

Comment Re:Single ecosystem (Score 1) 42

Actually, the right way to have done all the trade agreements, is with a minimal environmental, money, and labor laws being required.
Sadly, none of the west has done that. But the reason is that leaders from other nations do NOT want that. They want to take advantage of cheating by trashing their environment, combined with manipulating their money and dumping goods.
I remain a fan of NAFTA though it should have had regulations to bring us up to Canada's environmental and labor standards.
BUT, the others, esp. China, has caused more damaged to America and the rest of the world. China was required to meet a number of standards which they have not. In particular, they were supposed to free their money and drop their tariffs. Instead, tariffs on goods have increased, while tariffs on resources have disappeared. In addition, they manipulate their money more than ever.

It is long past time to stop these. Hopefully the new free trade agreement will be stopped if they do not have regs for money, labor and env.

Comment great, but release the OCO2 data now (Score 1) 42

OCO2 is the best means of monitoring CO2. Most importantly, it is capable of showing how CO2 flows in and out of a nation. China and other nations like to hide how much they actually produce. It is long past time for the world to see REAL numbers of what each nation produces so that they will focus on the correct polluters rather than the ones that are already cleaning up.

Comment Re: You sunk my battleship (Score 1) 439

Report: Chinese Navy’s Fleet Will Outnumber U.S. by 2020

You need to stay up on facts, and not just on BS.
China remains a dictatorship and outside of exports, they are a communist economy. The military build-up is the largest that the world has EVER seen. Not even Hitler grew his military this fast.

Comment Re:Gullible people (Score 3, Interesting) 131

Let me see if I understand this right.
1) You are so scared of the guy that you do not show your login.
2) Here is a guy that has been critical to 5 companies being successful, but he is a PR firm.
3) how many entrepreneurs have 5 of 5 companies be successes?
4) how many entrepeneurs can you list that were critical in changing society in 3 companies, let alone 4?

So, why are you so afraid to face facts? Why are you so afraid to show who you are? My guess is that you are simply another troll that is paid to lie here.

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