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Journal Journal: Chapter 12 section 5: Wow, Good thing bill is so rich!

"So even now as we crawl through these vents the space ship is exploding right?" Asked my brother rather earnestly.
"right," I affirmed."In fact because this space ship is so many light seconds long as soon as the main reactor goes we will have 1 and a half seconds before we see the blast."
"But I bought us these space time shields you guys developed at such a high cost, and they are going to keep us safe right?" Bill gates asked.
I responded, "I hope so. In true cinematic fasion we havent gotten a chance to try them out yet."
Bill gates thought for a second and then responded, "cinematic, like the proton packs in ghost busters right? they never tried those out before they tested them right?"
"oh, you betcha!" I said, "and I think a malfunction could be pretty much as bad as what egon said in ghostbusters..."
"what did egon say?" bill gates asked
"shit I don't know." I said. "I don't have access to the internet right now."
"well," answered bill gates."We spent a shitload of money on them so I am going to turn my shit on!"
And with that bill gates flipped the little switch on the little pager-sized device on his belt and space and time were innefectual against him. He was outside of all, but able to filter the spectrum to allow visible, non harmful light and audible sound - as well as smell, though the gigaton hydrogen bomb explosion of the ships main reactor may not be the best smelling of events.
"fuck yea!" I said to bill gates."you totally didn't phase your own ass out of exsitence!."
Bill Gates looked kind of mad. "yOU Mean that I could have been destroyed!"
I answered coolly, "Bill, my brotha" I gave him a handshake, followed by a reversal to Thumb-grip, followed by a slideout/snap moving to a double fist punch then we shouldered each other and ended with a two hand slap. "No worries fool, we were here in the space time envelope with you, we would have desintegrated too."
Bill sniffled, "good man, I thought you were playing a trick on me."
"Aww bil...buddy!" I gave Bill a hug. "Don't worry about it, I like you just the way you are."
Bill looked up at me and said, "Thanks bro, that means alot to me. My self-esteem is kind of low at times, I mean, billionare thing aside and all.
I then sang "stand by me" as the ships main reactors armor had been pierced and meltdown had led to reaction had finally led to gigaton hydrogen bomb explosion.
"We better get to a ship!" I said, "otherwise we will have to float out in space for a while and that would suck, I want to be on the planet when the carcass of this ship goes down." I said
"Dude, I totaaly agree" said bill gates.
so we found a ship and flew to the planet below.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Epilogue

"it's really amazing how the space nazi's spaceships all look just like the Empire's space ships from star wars eh?" Said Bill Gates.
We stood atop a moutain watching the flaming remains of the Space Nazis spacecraft falling to the planets surface.
I said, "it's a good thing we have these space-time shields around us, because objects of that mass," I pointed to the triangular spacecraft, which was so exactly like a super star destroyer that It was a practical copyright infringment, fracturing the crust of this planet like a knife cutting a pie, "Carving up the crust of this planet like that with all that magma," I said magma like dr evil from austin powers but neither Bill Gates or my brother laughed.
I continued. "As I was saying, these space-time shields will allow the super dense mile high waves of magma, sections of earth and other super-physical phenomena of this event to pass by and around us while we watch through visible light and comfotable audio filters."
"and I payed for them right?" asked Bill Gates.
"yes, you payed for everything homeboy" I responded.
"Dope., good times." and we gave each other the esoteric, hip-pop-esqe handshake we had invented earlier when were crawling through that same gigantic, exploding-spaceships vents.
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Journal Journal: The End.

So that's the story of how I, Bill Gates, my Brother and all those other people beat the space Nazis and saved the multi-verse. Had the amazing deductive skills I posses coupled with the super dope spaceship piloting and all the other stuff I, Bill Gates and my brother not been, then the whole of the Multiverse would certainly have come under the clutches of the space Nazis. And The simple answer to our amazingly clever way to outwit those who would rule the multiverse/all of creation!?.. we did everything in reverse time with my reverse time machine, and some AI help :) - also pot.
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Journal Journal: tylenol pm is WEAK!

i am in the pacific time zone and the curtains now are showing sunlight. time for bed
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Journal Journal: Progeny

One good thing about slashdot is the fact I don't have to worry about it closing down and deleting everything I have posted and created on it. was not so accomodating
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Journal Journal: AI? Ternary? You're talking crazy!

You know. Ternary logic doesn't really seem to apply specifically to AI at all does it? Basically I just want some damn AI! Like the benevolent kind that runs a perfect technocracy and keeps humans around as pets...Pets with massive bandwidth!

like the singularity

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