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Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 1) 981

Seems like they would never be able to use ballistic weapons, because even though they have long used computers to calculate trajectory, you still need to supply information that requires more than total ignorance of mathematics. It helps to be able to use sanity checks so you don't kill your own troops, as well. Hey, maybe we should "accidentally" let them have some hacked weapons...

Comment Re:Parallax. (Score 0, Troll) 425

So instead of a crusty old veteran "maverick" and a cheerleader of debatable intelligence, we got a miserly career politician with impossibly white teeth (polished by repeatedly putting his foot in his mouth, no doubt) and a community organizer who demanded 10 years of tax returns from his opponent but deemed producing his own birth certificate a challenge.

Sounds like a WIN

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