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Comment Re:Inflation (Score 1) 194

In the exact sciencies, you get consensus to nearly all questions that you craft well enough to exclude any kind oppinion, but you'll get plenty of "nobody knows". You won't get any kind of consesus on the likehood of a non-mainstream theory being right, and very little on how right (or wrong) are the mainstream theories, except if you use some completely objective measurement.

In human sciences you won't have any "nobody knows" answer to those first questions. You'll have consensus on the known ones, and plenty of hand waving on the not known. You'll also get hand waving in the exact sciences, the difference is that they come after the "we don't know" part, while in the human sciences that part is missing (or maybe implicit, I don't know).

Comment Re:Unregulated currency (Score 1) 704

Funny thing is that Bitcoin was never designed to be kept in exchanges in the first place.

People being stupid is a risk that can not be mitigated. We can only move between ruining the entire society to back-up the decisions they have, or letting them suffer the consequences of their acts (and hope that they learn something, or just eat popcorn - choose your team).

Yep, personally I prefer that people be backed-up up to some level of stupidity (what means I'm a socialist), but current levels are crazy hight. Bitcoin people are going with it in a much more sane way than the recent US bank failures.

Comment Re:Why not badging of the doors ? (Score 1) 130

Half a second is a bit too little time for:

"Where's my badge? Oh it's on my neck", take it out of the neck (because I don't have the standard height those doors assume), badge it, "Sorry, Dave, I can't allow you to go in", "Hey, is anybody here allowed in?", "Wait, who was it reserved for anyway?", "Oh, Joe's reserved it until 4 PM. Where's him?", "Seems to be in a meeting, I'm calling him"...

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