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Comment $4-15K/year (Score 2) 95

Holy Cow! What is your course of study where the books are that much?

I don't know what the books cost - my kid handles it himself, but I haven't heard the outcry I would expect for a 2nd year Mechanical Engineering major to be screaming if it were anywhere near that.

At any rate, I do know that he buys his books "online" (Amazon and others) and may or may not sell them at the end of the term, since the online purchases were so much cheaper to start with vs list price at the campus book store.

(Not to mention the nasty habit of "revisions" happening all the time. I do remember one $200-ish AP Chem book for HS we got online for quite a bit less... had the same material, but the pg numbers were off and the exercises were a bit different... obvious changes to make the book "obsolete". I wonder how much is the Author and how much is the Publisher making these minor tweaks to create artificial obsolescence?)

Comment Re:I wonder... (Score 1) 58

The more you tighten your grip, China, the more citizens will slip through your fingers... or something like that.

The fact that this is even news, and getting out, is a sign that the times, they are a changin... at least in China. Russia, seems to be going backward however. And the mid-east? Pffft. that never changes one way or the other.

Comment Minimal Alert (Score 1) 205

Yet another annoyance, necessary in this "modern" world...

While not a real solution at all, it should be easy for any OS to at least offer pop-up an approval when you plug in a USB device. E.g. "Do you want to connect this keyboard"? That would be a red flag if you didn't think it was a keyboard and give you a chance to deny it.

Maybe skip the warning for pure storage devices - but warn for anything else. It might be disconcerting to have a warning for "Connect this video camera" when you were plugging in a keyboard.

Comment Austrailia doesn't exist (Score 2, Insightful) 291

In terms of the "global warming problem", at least. The population of Australia is a rounding error. (7,050M global population - 23M Australians = still over 7B people; Australia is about 3/10th of 1%). The entire population is less than the city of Shanghai, or Karachi, or Beijing... The top 20 cities in the world have 10 X as many people of the Australian continent.

Good on them that they are voting not to piss in the wind. Specifically, this wind.

Even if humans can significantly affect the rate of change of global warming, taxing the most advanced economies is not going to help as much as doing [insert magic policy here] to change the course of the emerging economies which are going down the path that the 1st world traveled half a century ago.

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