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Comment Re: The Interview hits warez sites (Score 4, Informative) 166

What secure OS do you run where the video codecs have had a full security review? Google found (and fixed) around 300 exploitable holes in libavcodec / libavformat in the last year. Do you want to bet that they found them all? Do you always run video codecs in an unprivileged process?

Comment Re:WTF UK? (Score 1) 360

And yet the contents of the tweet made it into the Slashdot summary, quoting from the Huffington Post article. It's no doubt now been posted by other news outlets. How many people do you think would have seen some idiot's tweet, verses the number that will now see it quoted in the news?

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 131

They only give you the free copy for the photo of the cover for public domain books. If you want to read these, install FBReader (which has a nice search interface for various online collections) and don't waste time with this app. To get copies of in-copyright books, you need to deface the copyright page. If you can do that in a book shop without having to buy the book, then you live somewhere with very tolerant shopkeepers...

Comment Re:I'm the app's developer. Happy to answer questi (Score 2) 131

I already have an app that catalogues the books I own by reading the bar code (which contains the ISBN in most cases). It takes a couple of seconds on my cheap phone (Moto G) to scan each bar code - it takes longer to look them up in a DB. Why would I want to use an app that relies on being able to recognise a cover, which is both more computationally expensive and less reliable (several of the books I own have had a dozen or so different covers for different printings - try looking at all of the covers an Agatha Christie novel has had over the years sometime)?

To claim an eligible title you have to take a picture of your name written onto the book's copyright page

Ah, so I have to deface my books and take two pictures (one of the copyright page, one of the cover)? No thanks.

Comment Re:*sips pabst* (Score 1) 351

What crucial plot point did Tom Bombodil advance

He emphasised how parochial the Hobbits' world view was and he gave them the weapons that they'd carry for the rest of the book. The choice of the weapons and his explanation helped establish the individual characters of the hobbits.

I agreed with his decision to trim unnecessary storyline fat, and focus more on action.

In the first movie, the storyline is basically 'run, fight, run fight, run fight'. Anything that might be considered character development is cut. The novels have a lot of description and this is turned in the films into very slow shots of impressive visuals, which could equally be backdrop while things that actually advance the plot take place. Instead, Jackson focusses on impressive scenes of New Zealand and long tech demos for the Massive Engine. Plot takes very much a back seat.

Comment Re:Anonymity on the Internet - Really Necessary? (Score 1) 88

Pseudonymity would be enough. You don't need to know what the identity of the reviewer is, you just need to know what other reviews he or she has written and how accurate those were. Reputation needs to be linked to an identity, but there's no problem with an individual having multiple identities.

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