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Comment Walt Dickme (Score 3, Insightful) 229

I feel conflicted...On one hand, Disney is yet again, being a shitty company and I feel bad that all these employees are being put through the wringer. On the other hand, if you are gullible enough to take a job at a company like Disney, you kind of deserve what you get.

I have a suspicion that a lot of Disney employees are like people that get jobs in the AAA game industry: They think that because they love the product that is produced, the job and working conditions will somehow be good.

Open message to anyone working for or thinking about it Disney: Research the companies history before you take a job These are shitty, shitty people that are in charge of making all these lovable characters.

Comment Obligatory radiating (Score 1) 419

This is true, but when Chernobyl happened, basically everyone was moved out of the contaminated zone, and it remains deserted today. While people were exposed to radioactive material, it was for a relatively short time. I see no permanent evacuation of the city occurring in Japan. Radiation is bad in large doses over a short period of time, but it is also dangerous if people are exposed to constant low levels (more than the background radiation level) over long periods of time.

Comment *sigh* Idiots! The net is so damn full of em...... (Score 4, Insightful) 124

You analysis of the article seems flawed. They say pretty clearly that they don't reveal information that might hamper criminal investigations, and that they are talking to authorities in the appropriate jurisdictions.


Comment China, the yellow scourge (Score 2, Interesting) 86

While there might be a problem with fraud in Uber use in China, is it any worse than in any other country? There is an implicit racism in all these stories that hit the media decrying 'Chinese Fraud and Duplicity'. I am sure there is plenty, as totalitarian governments have been shown to increase dishonesty in their populations, but is it really worse than any other developing country or country lacking a government?

Granted, the story will 'sell more papers' than a similar story about Uber being defrauded by teenage stoners from Kansas. China is a competing economic power with the US and EU, and as a result it seems to being demonized because Chinese people didn't have the common sense to be born with white skin. This constant barrage of stories about 'Chinese' dishonesty paints an image of them as being inscrutable and untrustworthy as a race.

Comment EMP == Experience Music Project? (Score 1) 182

I agree with your assessment, someone needs to have a nuclear device that they can deliver into the upper atmosphere above US infrastructure and detonate it there. This isn't a typical air burst where you light it off at say 5000 feet to increase the damage to a city or army group. It is quite possible that there will be few if any actual casualties caused by the initial detonation, so the motivations of an actor using this mode of attack are going to be quite different than an actor that just wants to kill a lot of people.

Realistically, I would only expect China or Russia to employ this sort of tactic, since they are powerful enough to be able to resist a conventional retaliatory invasion by us conventional forces, but they still would have the nuclear capability to retaliate in a conventional fashion should the US decide to just start paving their major cities with MIRVing cruse missiles.

I think either someone has a leaked copy of a 'Plan A' warfare scenario from Russia or China that they cannot avow, or they are looking for more budget.

Comment When in Rome, learn Roman (lol) (Score 1) 528

I hears something similar about the science community in the 1920s and 1930s. Germany had a lot of brilliant scientists at that time, and supposedly a lot of people in science were learning German, since it was the center of the community at the time.

People will stop learning English and start learning Chinese if they become the most powerful and influential country, its how things work. I'll bet that two thousand years ago everybody was learning Latin.

Comment Re:probably a fair sentence (Score 1) 225

Ebay and CL aren't guilty of racketeering, because they didn't create their services to sell contraband and evade legal authorities. They both work to keep illegal activities from dominating their business. Clearly, the difference here is intent. SilkRoad was created from the start to be a black market site.

The various federal agencies that are engaging in parallel construction are conspiring to break the law, so yes, they are probably guilty. I wish you the best of luck in getting them arrested and tried.

The bankers involved in default credit swaps are probably guilty of fraud, not racketeering, as they seem to have been deceiving investors about the risk they were taking in purchasing risky loans. I haven't heard any evidence that there was conspiracy to systematically defraud the country, but rather, a bunch of independent players that all arrived at the conclusion that lying about risk was profitable.

Sort of moot, as either set of charges should be enough to start handing out several hundred year sentences to those involved.

Comment probably a fair sentence (Score 4, Insightful) 225

He didn't sell any actual drugs, he just ran the site for people who did.

IANAL, but that sounds like racketeering to me. If he was tried in the 1970s, I bet the feds would have slapped him with racketeering charges which were designed to allow them to bust mob bosses, who 'just gave orders' to others to commit crimes. Just because you aren't handling physical contraband, doesn't mean that you are innocent. He was conspiring to allow others to break laws en mass. He knew what he was doing from the start, this isn't an innocent mistake.

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