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Comment OMFG, are you paid by the word? (Score 1) 451

Liberal Democrats are not simple social progressives. The country is run by........

Sorry, could you repeat that? I nodded of during your tangential gibbering about political labeling. You should sell it to people with sleep disorders, you could make a killing.

I see more than the packaged deal. I see more than two parties where the two names are used. I see more than two positions active in our government and in our politics. I see society's sentiments, behaviors, and moods. That you wish to ignore these occludes the reality of our recent history and our modern struggles to your view.

I see someone who starts sentences with 'I see...' way too much. I see someone who wants to replace Mr Luther King Jr's speech writers. I see someone who claims to have a worldview that includes a plurality of political interests, and still attributes negative generalizations to 'Liberal Democrats'. In short, I see a pompous ass who loves the sound of his own voice.

Comment Stupid is as stupid types (Score 1) 451

I reiterate that you are a slobbering mouth breather, and now I append the honorific of 'grammar Nazi'. While you have diagrammed your sentence with such skill that freshman English teachers everywhere are getting erections, you overlook that fact that using correct grammar doesn't mean that you have expressed yourself in any clear or elegant fashion.

If your statement was written by someone who had the intellectual capacity of at least a third grader, it my be thus:

"I have the greatest understanding for anyone who wishes to excise from their lives, such views and the people possessing them."

Mind you, your poor sentence structure is the least of your faults. I would point out the generalizations you attribute to 'Liberal Democrats' sound wholly out of character for a people who are normally generalized as socially progressive, and sound more like the statements that might be made by an astroturfing tea party member who secretly follows KKK propaganda.

But by all means, continue attributing your bizarre interpretation of Affirmative action to others, it doesn't sound strange at all. Additional insulting boilerplate I couldn't be bothered with here.

Comment I am racist against stupid (Score 1) 284

I'm tempted to say that's a first world view. It's a lofty ideal, and might work if the playing field were more level, but when you're incorporating programmers from third world countries, who are looking forward to a subsistence wage in some craphole, it's hard to tell them to go on strike. These people are looking forward to 70 hour weeks (I've seen this, with H-1B workers locally) at lower-middle-class wages, as something that's *still* one hell of a lot better than they came from.

I suspect that attempts to organize will be taken as first worlders trying to save their overly-cushy jobs.

I would support organizing to keep out most Indian programmers, because many of the Indian programmer I have meet are poorly trained coders that produce sub-standard code. But then I don't really care about nationality or race, I just am annoyed by bad coders. Construction unions have differing categories of skill sets that enables you to work on certain types of jobs. Such a system would be good for IT to keep idiots from building database solutions on top of Excell spreadsheets.

Comment Re:PAY TO CROSS THE TROLL BRIDGE (Score 1) 451

I will now make explicit commentary about your lack of intelligence and your failure of reading comprehension.

And I will now make a counter commentary about you lack of ability to clearly express your intent without slobbering all over yourself. Perhaps if you could structure your thoughts in a concise fashion you wouldn't appear such a numb witted lout.

Comment PAY TO CROSS THE TROLL BRIDGE (Score 3, Insightful) 451

Affirmative action had, at its peak, been the social institution of "blacks are retards with a propensity for not being as smart as anyone, and so they need us to extend a large amount of help to them to elevate them to the level of a human being rather than a chimpanzee."

Interesting, I think most would qualify affirmative action as, "There are a large number of socially conservative idiots in society who will not give minorities a chance because their skin is the wrong color, so we need to pass laws to make ignorant racists give them a chance to pull themselves out of poverty". A person of any race of can achieve anything, but only when given a chance to try.

You are making veil threats about killing liberals for their views, so I am having trouble taking anything you are saying at face value. Why haven't you been flagged as a troll yet?

Comment ...And you are why I called his interview stupid. (Score 1) 583

Well it's not stupid to assume an AI or alien would perceive humans as a threat. And it's not stupid to assume that AI, or aliens for that matter, would eliminate a threat in the most efficient manner possible.

Perhaps it's you who is a bit naive. When have humans ever been at peace? Even our sports are metaphor for war. You shut the fuck up. Until humans can achieve worldwide peace, we better hope that we don't develop AI or meet alien species ... because they will most certainly put us to sleep like dogs with rabies if we dare leave our planetary cage while we are still savages.

blah blah blah....This whole line of thinking that you and Elon are engaging in is silly and pointless. You might as well worry about what kind of aliens we might encounter when we first travel to another galaxy. We are so far from solving intergalactic travel problems (or creating sentient AI) that any fretting and scaremongering is just pointless jibber-jabber. In the meantime, ignorant people (*cough*) who read this article might be unjustifiably worried about nothing, and start to develop a resistance to research in a field that promised to yield many very helpful and practical applications other than violent homicidal killbots.


Comment Elon Musk, stupid like Jenny McCarthy (Score 2, Interesting) 583

Elon Musk is AI's Jenny McCarthy. Jenny is know as a celebrity who shoots off her mouth about the evils of vaccination, when she has no real intellectual or scientific authority to back her beliefs. Essentially she is an uniformed person using her tangential fame to spread her views.

What Elon Musk is doing here is virtually identical. I don't know of any real qualifications that he has that makes him in *any* way qualified to speak on the topic. (CS degree with work in AI? Philosophy degree with a focus on ethics?) Now this is a free country, where any rich asshole can (and will) talk at length about their opinions, but using your celebrity to espouse unfounded opinions is irresponsible.

Case in point: He cites a common trope in fiction, of an uncontrollable evil unleashed on the world which while it may be a parable, but it has no basis in reality. I could just as easily write a short story about summoning a devil, and ushering in a golden age of humanity using its supernatural abilities and cite that as a counter example.

This sort of bullshit opinion piece isn't going to help the real funding and research in the AI field which is still quite young. So, shut the fuck up Elon, and go back to building your RC cars.

Comment It isn't gender differences (Score 4, Insightful) 608

Your observations are accurate, but your conclusion is completely wrong. All the elements you called out are things that would keep women from staying in a CS position for a long duration. Very little of what you listed would be something that a freshman entering CS would be exposed to or have any knowledge of. If your conclusion is correct, we should see a lot more of female CS grads that drop out of the talent pool in the first five years, and what we are actually seeing is they aren't even entering CS programs.

The problem starts much earlier. Girls start losing interest in STEM topics at a much younger age. There are no positive female role models to show young girls that they can excel at programming and there are plenty of females presented in the media as being interested in 'girl' stuff. Children are highly impressionable, and if they don't see an archetype they probably aren't going to gravitate towards it.

Comment Cool Idea, Bra (Score 1) 269

But why then would anybody with deep pockets ever invest in creating such an open infrastructure, if at any point their user base could declare them 'evil' and defect to a competitor? Nobody ever will trail blaze product development with the idea of creating a product that someone else can essentially appropriate.

Comment Taxes == Slavery? (Score 1) 839

The wealthy are already heavily taxed,

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAAA.......Now get back on the troll bus, you tea party suck-up. The top 1% are paying perhaps 33% in taxes if they are stupid, and 10% if they are tax dodgers like Mitt Romney. Moreover, 33% of say, a million dollars a year still leaves enough to buy a whole fleet of Ferraris each year. If you are part of the dissolving middle class and making 40k, you are left with 32 thousand after the 20% taxes you pay, which isn't much to get by on. Thirty percent isn't heavily taxed by any yardstick.

and much of that tax money goes to the poor to remove the poor's incentive to work.

Drinking the much cool-aid, Tea bagger? I am just waiting for the requisite racist comment about lazy immigrant minorities are coming here to steal all our free benefits.

This is a typically leftist and obviously wrong viewpoint,

Lets play a game, which logical fallacies did you just commit? I am deliberately replying using an incendiary tone, because actual logic and reason doesn't seem to get through to 'your kind'.

production is made by human effort, and to the extent that you take a man's production or the money that results from his production, you are treating him as a slave.

Ah yes, the tired old taxes == slavery bullshit that is parroted by every self centered asshole who feels that their life would be so much better if they could just keep every one of their precious hard earned dollars, because they owe nothing to the society as a whole. Wake up and smell the bullshit, humans aren't very good at being solitary creatures, and we work really well together. As we build a society, the group as a whole benefits from building shared resources and infrastructure, and taxes is how it is accomplished. Tea baggers are a model of self reliant individualism, who only need a few thousand years of the collective work of society to prop up their selfish fantasies.

I really wish there was a small corner of the country we could put you idiots in so you could have your little tax free state and see what a horrible economic disaster that would turn out to be. Your brand of stupid deserves to see how 'free' you are in really are in a non-regulated, non-taxed Utopian pipe dream.

Comment Cold fusion - a hot mess (Score 1) 350

You are pointing out the lack of repeatable instructions, which is a good objection to cold fusion. I always had problems with the basic physics of could fusion that nobody has been able to explain away.

Pressure is equivalent to temperature, one begets the other. Since all cases of observable fusion requires high pressure, explain to me how you are going to get the pressure without the temperature? Are you going to crazy glue the atoms together?

Comment Re:The Middle Class is the Bedrock of Society (Score 5, Insightful) 839

I find the it curious that the extravagantly wealthy are so resistant to even modest social reform to improve the life of the poor. Where I a billionaire, I would take a page from history and consider that when there a lot of people with nothing to lose, I become a target. I would push for social reform for the simple reason that I am selfish, and I want to be surrounded by a large population that is well educated and wealthy.

In the end economic systems are just ways of distributing resources, and any system allows a small minority to aggregate everything is by definition a failure to distribute.

Comment China, home to government sponsored thieves? (Score 4, Insightful) 106

This is news that nerds might be interested in. If you have no use for it, clearly you aren't a nerd. Go elsewhere for your news. I am tired of people bitching about stories that don't pertain to them. If you don't find them useful, then don't read them.

This is important news. If China is stepping up it's state sponsored spying and digital theft, I want to know about it. It might be useful background info to know so that when the president decides to park a cruse missile on a building in China, you know some of the history that lead to this decision.

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