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Comment Re:That's unethical (Score 1) 353

The poster was hired to develop the plug-ins in the first place. That is the current arrangement. I see it as part of the initial hiring process. While you are always free to leave and go your own way, as far as am concerned it was the job you signed up for. Unless they have asked the poster to do above and beyond what they represented the job as then just saying "I want all the rights" is way off base.

Should you ask for a patent application? Yes.
Should you ask for more money at the next performance review? Yes.
Should you ask to own it all while they provide equipment, licensing, salary, administrative support, and benefits? No. That is too much. That is freeloading. The arrangement needs to be fair to both sides. The poster cannot expect the company to provide all the funding and then the poster walk away with all of it.

Comment Civil Engineering (Score 1) 420

As one person I know put it "I've had a good career, there was always steady work in roads and commodes". And I doubt there is a H1B threat out there. 've been to India and their infrastructure is terrible.

Another friend of mine has had a nice stable career in AC electrical, mostly architectural and industrial construction work. Both of which required on-site inspections and 'boots on the ground'. AC electrical is also in demand for integrate alternative energy sources with a grid. Which also requires local inspections and 'boots on the ground'.

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