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Comment Re: The site does not commit piracy ... (Score 3, Insightful) 72

Who reads a book twice?

You might not want to read a novel more than once, but many books are not story books. Eg: an academic text book; a reference book - these you might read and want to keep so that you can look up points of detail later.

Having said that:: I have read 'Lord of the Rings' 3 times.

Comment The site does not commit piracy ... (Score 2) 72

it is just a market place. ''the site operates on an honor basis.'' it expects that once you have sold your e-book that you delete it from your machines. If you do not then it is you who commits piracy. It is an issue of trust: the book publisher/author knows that it is all too easy for someone to sell a book once they have read it but still keep the copy. But just because it is easy does not mean that everyone will keep a copy. I do have to admit that many will sell and keep.

I do not know what the answer it, shutting down a market place or wrapping the book in DRM are not the answers.

Comment Re:sure you want to go with 'undead' ? (Score 1) 283

It means that the uninfected humans have to shoot it in the head. Or stake it through the heart. And quickly, before things get worse.

Kinda like what Adobe has been trying to do to ColdFusion ever since they acquired it as part of the Macromedia deal.

Comment Re:The problem with safe harbor (Score 2) 60

The trouble is that facebook et al are subject to the patriot act - this means that all the govt of the USA needs to do is say ''give me this data'' and they have to do it. The data can be anywhere in the world, if they can access it they need to give it to the NSA/... upon demand and can be stopped from telling anyone what they have done.

This could result in these companies being put into an impossible position where they have to meet conflicting demands both of which they must absolutely obey. The only way that they will survive is to lie, either ''we do not have the data'' or ''we did not give it away''. I suspect that the NSA will, at least initially, win this and they will just lie to tell the EU regulators ''we did not give it away''.

Comment Re:Not evil.... (Score 1) 364

If there were 5 video services and all had similar levels of marketshare, it wouldn't be a problem.

It is not the market share of the video service that matters, it is the visibility of the artist's works that really counts. If another service will carry the songs and that other service is indexed by google then there is little loss. OK: punters won't be able to search in the Youtube search bar, but they will soon learn to do searches in google/bing/...

If another video service cannot carry the bandwidth then maybe they ought to pay more. This is where net neutrality, peering, etc comes into play -- I have to admit that size of video service does matter as the really small guys cannot afford content delivery services ... but plenty other than youtube can.

Comment Re:Not evil.... (Score 1) 364

I honestly don't see how this doesn't run afoul of antitrust provisions. They're leveraging their position in the video market in order to push their streaming service and give themselves an unfair market advantage.

How come ? You can host your music/... elsewhere, somewhere where google (the search engine) will find it. So, if you don't like their terms, just move.

Comment Re:Not evil.... (Score 1) 364

But be prepared to have search results for your web site pulled if Google finds out you are making money off it and not buying ads through them. Google is no longer in the search business.

Do you have any evidence of google pulling sites that do not buy ads through Google ? If Google were to do something like that its quality as a search engine would drop and people would go elsewhere - it would be search engine suicide.

Comment Re:If generic and common behavior patents are... (Score 2) 140

... not stupid enough, Microsoft additionally wants to keep the patents secret.

There is only reason for keeping details of patents secret: you know that some of them won't stand up to open scrutiny. In other words: you do it if you are engaged in confidence trickery. So turn it into a game of bluff and wrap those who do see them up in restrictive disclosure contracts.

It would be nice to see many of these patents shown to be invalid; then those who have been screwed by this mafia like protection racket to sue and get their money back. However: I don't expect to see that happen, the system is too broken.

Comment Re:How is this a good idea? (Score 1) 249

For those apps that absolutely demand access to something, then you should be able to fake it. So: the app that demands access to your address book, you give it one with a couple of bogus entries. It is my machine so I should get to choose what is allowed.

I suspect that most users will not bother or just don't care and so will not check permissions - for them it is easier to complain & blame someone else when they get a problem.

Comment Re:Texbook free or textbook company free? (Score 1) 76

Are they going with opensource textbooks ...

Maybe not a lot of them at the moment, but a textbook only needs to be written once, 'published' for free and it can be used by everyone for ever afterwards. OK: not quite so simple since they will need to be updated for changing curriculum needs (especially things that change like the sciences) and will need to be translated into different languages. But an e-textbook done properly & you can do so many things that paper cannot: links to videos, links to stuff on the net, good searching, student annotation/highlights & linking between topics.

Writing good textbooks takes effort, but a start would be copies from the net of individual articles explaining single topics -- bitty and inconsistent styles but a start. The traditional textbook vendors are going to fight back, it will get dirty but, in time, they will lose.

Comment So: where is the liability ? (Score 1) 155

Joe Sixpack suffers a loss as a result of such an attack, who compensates him ? He has never heard of the possibility, but ignorance cannot be claimed by neither the smart TV manufacturers nor the TV broadcaster nor the local standards regulator. All of the latter will claim that it was some 'malicious 3rd party', but they knew about it and took no action to mitigate the threat. It is no longer an excuse to complain that ''it is software and very complicated''.

Who will compensate Joe Sixpack ?

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