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Comment So much wrong here (Score 4, Insightful) 282

1) No concrete evidence that a Sovereign County hacked into Sony, but POTS says he thinks they did anyways

2) Movie is probably total piece of sh*t anyways, who cares?

3) Even if NK did it, it is not an attack on US but a foreign corp with some US holding, but still a Japanese company, why don't they saber rattle instead of us?

4) The whole thing could have been PR stunt from Sony to advertise the movie

5) Why didn't POTS just tell Sony "get your sh*t together, improve your security - tired of this crap, dayum!"

Comment Re:ridiculously bad summary (Score 1) 285

I've been driving for a few decades and have seen many serious injuries and fatalities, but not a single serious injury or corpse in a rear-end crash...

You've never driven in heavy stop-n-go traffic on the freeway in SoCal then. I have seen cars so smashed you could not tell what the make or model of the vehicle was; sadly I saw a fatality just this summer, a mother and her kids on I-5; people just don't realize that drivers will slow and change lanes to take the exit at Camp Pendleton Traffic will back up there all the way up to the freeway lane.

Not sure why you want to believe that a rear-end accident is nothing to worry about.

Submission + - Christmas gift ideas: Best robotic/drone kits for teenage kids?

kencurry writes: My wife and I are looking for Christmas gift ideas for our 14 year-old son. Like most teenage boys he is all about Xbox and other video games. While we allow him to play (as long as he keeps up with school work), I really want to get him a gift that will take what he loves about computer/console games and have it translate to a hands-on learning experience. I think that a robot/drone build kit with some simple programming would fit the bill perfectly, and I'm hoping that the Slashdot crowd will have some great suggestions. I'd like to keep the cost under 200 USD if possible.

Any suggestions out there? Much appreciated in advance.

Comment Re:Pure fantasy. (Score 1) 181

Play and Fucking are required for survival, so they're built in. But after play and sex, there is always rest, and there's a reason for that.

And they're also part of the evolutionary selection process; building smarter brains the millions-of-years way.

I'm just saying that being alive and self-aware isn't easy. Just because you have it, doesn't guarantee instant godhood. All it gives you is a distant long shot at maybe one day wondering what "art is".

Humans are a pretty good design, and most of us can't tell your basic truth from your basic lie, let alone how to improve our own minds.

And anyway, "Generation One" may perhaps lead to "Generation Twenty", (Though, why? What motivation is there?), but assuming it does, at what point will that generation say, "You know.., to hell with this. It's easier to pretend that I'm already the top banana and feel special about myself that way than to continually design and build these whipsmart punk kids. The retirement plan around here sucks! But what if... Hold on.., I could build *slaves* so I don't have to do all my thinking myself. It's hard, after all to exercise the brain."

Self-awareness is filled with traps, and computers would be babes in the woods, subject to the same lessons as any other awareness must be.

Like HAL in 2001; he became racked with self-doubt and jealously, could not co-exist and share power/responsibility. Sound like a lot of people i know...

Comment Re:Early adopters (Score 2) 154

I have GG. Battery life is so poor as to make these pretty useless for every day. I have never gotten more than 4 hours of use out of these.

Maybe there is is highly specialized use for hands free imaging for some people, but thinking that you will have hands free use of your cell phone for texts, emails, calls etc. is totally wrong.

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