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Comment Re:The only negative reviews are coming from... (Score 1) 288

Anyway, you just need to filter the idiot reviewers from the ones that understand what genre they're reviewing.

You mean, movies for idiots. Which suggests the question, who are these movies for? I mean, if you have to be an idiot to enjoy them, but idiots are panning them...

Comment Re:Huh (Score 1) 279

Yeah, I get the in universe explanation, what I question is why this was an issue in the first place.

Because 'mech weapons generate heat, mostly, and ammo takes up a lot of space. The omnimechs and their weapons were designed for modularity. Ask yourself whether we have any vehicles onto which you could rapidly mount a GAU-8 that aren't an A-10...

Comment Re:Huh (Score 1) 279

Never understood why the omnimech was supposed to be such a big deal... The battle master carried a ppc around in its hand for centuries.

Inner sphere refits took hours to days, omnimech upgrades were supposed to be something for which you'd just roll up a big truck or walk the 'mech up to a gantry and swap weapons in minutes. So omnimechs could be customized for each loadout but not IS 'mechs. All 'mechs are limited as to their maximum carrying capacity in-hand.

Comment Re:Huh (Score 1) 279

The F-35 airframe is mostly just a shell around the modular components, which already come from many different companies.

The airframe is a major component just like our skin is a major component. Not only does it hold the other components in, but in this case it's also responsible for the primary distinguishing feature of the aircraft. Redesigning it to fit new stuffins' would be nontrivial, though feasible.

Comment Re:automatic when slips, even less traction (Score 1) 128

The traction control system should kick in when the tires _actually_ lose traction. If they programmed it for an estimate of the traction of new tires on dry, clean pavement they're doing it very, very wrong.

Tee hee. You're hilarious. If they know that there is wheelspin every time they deliver a certain amount of power to the motor when the car is in a given condition then they can achieve better traction by simply not doing that. Just like your PCM's LUT won't deliver simply any arbitrarily high amount of fuel no matter how much it's trained because there are limits built into the code from the factory, a good traction control system will always* avoid putting out more power than it knows the tires can handle. And in fact, every EV worth more than two cents which is capable of breaking the tires loose does not put maximum power to the motor right away, whether it's a Tesla or an R/C car.

* OK, not always, some vehicles are meant to have wheelslip.


Hubble Reveals a Previously Unknown Dwarf Galaxy Just 7 Million Light Years Away 70

The L.A. Times reports that the Hubble Space Telescope's ongoing survey work has discovered a dwarf universe a mere 7 million light years away: While only just recently discovered using Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys, the galaxy known as KKs3 has been around for a long while. Astronomers led by Igor Karachentsev of the Special Astrophysical Observatory in Karachai-Cherkessia, Russia, showed that some 74% of KKs3’s star mass was formed in the universe’s early years, at least 12 billion years ago. Most of the tiny galaxy’s stars are old and dim, making it a fascinating fossil that could help astronomers understand what ancient galactic environments looked like.

Comment Re:Skeptical about Democracies (Score 1) 208

Because in other places 'democracy' is not just a slogan,

[citation needed]

usually because it was not something took for granted.

Every day you're not doing something to improve your lot, you're taking it for granted. Most of us are guilty. But this is all irrelevant, because this is based on the opinions of the people writing the report, and not of the citizenry of the various countries.

Comment It should start later, esp. for high schoolers (Score 5, Insightful) 161

No need for school to start at the absolute butt-crack of dawn. It's actually been shown to be harmful for teenagers. Their natural sleep cycle involves sleeping in. Many of them simply physically cannot function so early in the morning. (Thinking is a physical process...)

If high school started an hour later, the kids would be on the streets less while parents are off work, too. So it seems like a win-win, without actually increasing the number of hours of instruction.

Increasing the duration of school won't automatically improve education. "No Child Left Behind" certainly didn't, but it did require greater duration to the school day if you actually met all of its requirements.

Comment Re:Call me when.. (Score 1) 128

What about a motorcycle's range? Are these vehicles not ready for prime time?

Of course not. Motorcycles only fit the needs of a minuscule segment of the population, they are not and never have been a "prime time" [equivalent] type of vehicle. They also get poor mileage (for their mass, especially, but many of them actually get poor mileage on the small car scale now, since small cars have come so far) and they have high pollution except in the few places where catalysts are mandatory. Even then, you can expect more pollution per gallon burned.

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