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Comment Re:Ken Murray's blog (Score 5, Insightful) 646

"it takes more and more coffee just to reach normal alertness"

that would explain why my 95 year old grandfather who has been drinking coffee for 84 years, now drinks seven thousand five hundred and twenty one gallons of coffee each morning.

He started with one cup, one fine morning in 1927. And from there it just took "more and more coffee just to reach normal alertness".

Without it, it's like he's preserved in carbonite.

Thank you for your helpful explanation of the dangers of coffee.

Comment Re:Great! (Score 1) 349

At first, I didn't agree with slashdot's evolution, with the majority modding down the minority, but then again, this is kind of similar to real world media, where Fox News, MSNBC, CNN (and others), try and drive the dialogue, with the help of their viewers, and the minority with diverging opinion from the mainstream have a very tiny voice. But persistence can make up for this, persistence and purity of argument.

It takes a persistent minority to continue to bring contrary, sometimes forgotten, sometimes unpopular views into the debate mix.

I for one, have tired of the left/right dialogue. Maybe libertarianism is just like any other ism, in that it doesn't have all the solutions, could never work in a pure form. But perhaps that's true of any "ism". But I think I'm being reasonable when I ask for just a few things:

1. Stop the bleeding. We have to stop the deficit spending. I don't care whose watch or whose administration did the most damage, it doesn't matter anymore. We'll never reverse the direction the debt is going until we put the brakes on deficit spending, and current projections show no end in sight. 1.3 trillion in revenue, with a 1.4 trillion shortfall on 2.7 trillion in planned spending is beyond ridiculous. Not to mention, there's more to the problem then public debt. Private debt is a problem that nobody's talking about. Fewer and fewer Americans convert their labor into capital. They are simply consumption machines. Consumption machines with record levels of debt.

2. Once the bleeding is stopped, we have to start chiseling away at the debt.

Anyway, I appreciate your posts. I bet you're a real interesting fellow in person.

Comment Agreed. Keynesianism is mental defect. (Score 3, Insightful) 2

Keynesians will keep pumping cash into this half dead system, from the top down. Funny how some people get bent out of shape and throw "trickle down" around like it's a dirty phrase, yet this is the biggest trickle down scam of all.

Governments allow trillions to be created by the world's central banks, which get pushed out to the member banks, and so forth, because helping them, is helping us. Or that's the theory.

Except the banks themselves are infused with so much paper, from the top down, that's it's distorting priorities and decisions that are supposed to be market based.

What need does a bank have for the public's deposits when governments and central banks are going to pump trillions into their ledgers?

Because a contraction was not allowed to happen, mal investors never punished, the haze was never allowed to clear. We have no clear signals, nor direction. The central banks, the member banks, the large multinational banks, the regional and local banks, they're all supposed to be competing with each other, but since they are being propped up to varying degrees, there is no clarity, the stronger banks have no clear data that the mal investors have been removed from the market, and no clear data that rock bottom has been hit or is near, so they have no confidence in making long term investments, or even medium term ones, they will not invest in businesses or infrastructure, because even though all of them are propped up, they are still in competition with each other, except these days, it's liquidity and balance sheet competition, none of those institutions knowing for sure how long the game can go on. So what do they do? They take their paper and gamble with it, in short term, massive 50-to-1 and higher bets, on the various markets, distorting futures, stocks, bonds, derivatives, any and all paper assets.

The banks care little about the public's money. They have an unlimited supply from the public's government. The banks will just keep playing balance sheet games, gambling like addicts in Las Vegas, with all their paper manipulation, and buy up real assets from desperate countries and the people, with their invented wealth.

Comment Is there a single documented instance (Score 1) 253

of recovering any data after a successful single pass with

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4k

I'm just curious. I've read all the theoretical stuff, but wouldn't the drives have to be disassembled in a clean room and the platters installed on some machine that can read the faint magnetic residuals...

Who has these facilities and machines, if anyone, beyond the alphabetsoup gangs?

Comment Re:70% on fully updated installs. (Score 1) 373

true. but this just tells me that all of the following together while not perfect, is about as good as it gets:

- up to date on everything
- user skilled in spotting oddities
- noscript/adblock
- sandbox
- good security software

and if one is going to do any browsing in the seedier corners of the net, then a full VM.

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