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Comment Re:I wonder (Score 2) 258

You're right, it will be more difficult than it appears at first glance. In my experience, this is true with every non-trivial endeavor*.
It's also inevitable. I don't think the issues you've raised will be major impediments. If there are any, and there always are, it will be something else that hasn't yet occurred to anyone.

*even when you take into account Hofstader's Law (heh).

Comment Re:I don't rent games (Score 1) 249

Well that depends, doesn't it? It comes down to what makes more sense. If the server-dependent games were free, in most cases that'd be better than paying a substantial price for the stand-alone game. And somewhere on the line between free and that price is the tipping point where one a better choice than the other.

Comment Re:What an Embarrassingly Vapid Article (Score 1) 477

Many people will choose to use a driverless cab instead of their own car for the commute

Yes, I think in urban areas it will become fairly rare for an individual to own a private car. There's little need. A taxi will always be nearby, and without the human salary will cost significantly less than it does today.

Comment Re:Brilliant idea (Score 1) 193

It's your Bulova that will be obsolete in a few years. There's only so much wrist space. Wasting it on something as impotent as a mere clock will seem downright foolish. And don't even think about it being an "heirloom". Your grandchildren will say "That's, uh, very nice, Grandpa. Now how do I get it onto the network?"

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