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User Journal

Journal Journal: So, this is a journal then...

I must admit that I've never particularly been a great fan of web journals. I mean, it's a bit like harking back to the good olde days, when everyone had a homepage, and all it said was what they'd been dooing 6 months ago (what, you expected people to keep them up to date?).

Thinking about it though, there's nothing inherently wrong with a web journal. The sucess of livejournal would agree with this observation. Having nothing wrong with it is, however, distinct from it being good and useful. So, in that vein, the only use I can see of a journal is either to infrom co-workers of what I've been up to, (I'm a PhD student, and work alone on it), or to keep a record for me.

It's going to be the latter.

Anyhow, back on track. We've been having fun with the power here. I've had two 2 second blips in 3 hours. Fortunatly, none of my crunchers has gone down, so that's good.

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